wow, thanks so much! such a detailed response. I shall take these points into consideration!
and also, i am having a little trouble planning this kind of question:
"Compare and contrast the overall effectiveness of the alactacid system (ATP/PC) with the aerobic system in regards to sources of fuel and causes of fatigue"
Any suggestions?
Thank you sooo sooo sooo sooo much! REALLY appreciate it
It's no problem

- All it really boils down to is memorising the syllabus, learning to incorporate other syllabus dot points into your response and including a few stats if necessary to show that you have an extensive knowledge.
In regards to your question:
In this question, it only mentions 2 sub dot-points (sources of fuel and causes of fatigue) underneath the dot point which talks about the different factors of the 3 energy systems (forgot what it was called, sorry). Keep in mind that it would also help to include the sub-dot point regarding the efficiency of ATP production for both systems which contributes to the overall effectiveness.
I would first make a statement of how the overall effectiveness of these 2 systems are circumstantial ie. It depends on the athlete and their sport.
Contrasting (Disclaimer: It has been a long time since I last learned PDHPE so if I made any errors, forgive me):
- The ATP system requires creatine phosphate as a fuel and you would proceed to briefly mention how it produces ATP along with mentioning the efficiency of ATP production. Maybe briefly include the process but it depends on how long your response is and I'm not sure whether it is too relevant here. Also, talk about how it produces lots of energy in a short period of time for high-intensity actions and provide an example of when it is applied.
-The aerobic system requires X (same thing as above) and you may use the same example to compare what if a certain athlete used the aerobic system instead of the ATP system for a certain movement then comment on effectiveness in this case. Mention that aerobic system does provide ATP of a longer period of time contrasting to the short period of time for the ATP system and include the approximate times of fuel depletion.
-Similarities between these 2 systems are that once their fuels are depleted, we see that ATP production ceases and fatigue starts to occur (i think there's more to how fatigue occurs but I've forgotten). At this stage for both systems, effectiveness is basically negligible and requires rest - include time frames for both systems.
Sorry, I would've given a much better response had it been a few months ago, but this is the best I can do for you at the moment. I am used to this question asking for more than "sources of fuel and causes of fatigue" as a means for comparison and contrast.