So is this the same for games? Games need to specially programed for the 2 cores, otherwise its slower? The main reason I'm asking all this is that i currently have a pretty powerful laptop, but the only reason that the newer games dont run on it is that i need a better graphics card (which cant really be put in a laptop. right?). So to cut a long, boring story short, I want to get a computer, but this is mainly to be used for games. Right now, the duo cores only seem to be around 1-2 gigs (which isnt too good if the 2 cores arent being used), whereas its cheaper to get a pentium 3gigs. For games like half-life 2 and deus ex 2, is the latter better? Do ANY games use the duo system yet?
(sorry, there are about 4 questions there, but any help would be groovy).