Yes, I'm first year USYD Pharmacy student--there is Charles Sturt and USYD. Seems like UNSW is post-graduate only--it certainly wasn't in the UAC guide for last year.
As far as I know, you must get that minimum STAT result, then your UAI determines whether you do normal, normal (DFEE), rural, or rural (DFEE). It's not hard to get the cut-off--if you have enough ability to get the kind of UAI required, STAT will be a relative pushover. It's 150/200--where 100 is 0% (just done to make people feel better), so you basically only need 50%.
I did my STAT test at the end of the year--2 weekends after my last exam actually, and you don't need to register this early! However, keep an eye out for the UAC Guide because I applied after receiving it, and it was all good.