Hey, I have a friend who's doing physiotherapy and she's tiny

! Also, my other friend who is female, just graduated in physio so I don't think it matters whether you're a male or female. I also know from another friend that the uni finds you a job in your first year out of uni (I think you got to apply for it or something though depending on your marks?? Or maybe it's an internship o.o! No idea hahaha!).
In contrast, I have another friend who did radiography also at usyd; I'm pretty sure that you would be advised to wear protective gear etc to minimise your risk of exposure to radiation (otherwise the uni would have probably been sued >____>)! Regardless, you can always transfer degrees if you end up hating it.
Anyways, you can find out about the pay by googling "NSW Health Jobs", then type in "Physiotherapy" or "Radiography" in the NSW Health Jobs search option and look for the "Level 1/2" positions (i.e. new grad positions). It's probably $54k, like any other new grad allied health professionals

. Alternatively, here's the website LOL