Piercings and Tattoos (4 Viewers)

Piercings and Tats

  • I have piercings (state how many/where)

    Votes: 515 54.1%
  • I have tattoos (what/where)

    Votes: 32 3.4%
  • I have piercings and tattoos

    Votes: 69 7.2%
  • I have neither.

    Votes: 336 35.3%

  • Total voters


cool duckie
Aug 31, 2003
everywhere and nowhere
lol you wont die...i hope :p
is it back to normal now?
i think next time it gets itchy, clean it asap

yeah, i'm pretty sure its normal to be pink and tender, espically since i'm bumping it a fair bit at work and other stuff...it got majorly bashed around yesterday at work so it was weeping (clear fluid not puss) a bit & went a bit crusty by the time i got around to cleaning it. the skin around my top ball is more noticably pink/red (caus you see it), but if i look at it, the bottom ball gets a bit pink too (but i think it gets bumped less caus of where it is)

cleaning can get a bit painful, espically if its been knocked around a bit earlier that day. what're you using to clean it? i've worked out that cotton balls in salt water (just dip a bit of it in once or twice and it soaks through pretty quickly), squeezed around/above the holes seems to work best (i also try to clean around the actual hole with the ball and then get any water out of my navel with a cotton bud), and i've also started dipping the corners of a folded tissue in the water and using my nails to get in under the balls and clean the skin a bit better. just make sure you have a tissue or face washer under your belly button to catch the water when you're squeezing it, otherwise you'll get wet pants :p

i havent tried lying on it..i'm not used to lying on my belly, but i wouldnt try it just yet (2 weeks tomorrow) because i dont want to be in a tonne of pain. its painful enough having my belly up against my bf's when i'm hugging him a little too tight, i dont like the idea of putting my whole body weight on top of it
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Ranger Stacie

hollaback girl
Oct 13, 2003
central coast
alby said:
lol you wont die...i hope :p
is it back to normal now?
i think next time it gets itchy, clean it asap

yeah, i'm pretty sure its normal to be pink and tender, espically since i'm bumping it a fair bit at work and other stuff...it got majorly bashed around yesterday at work so it was weeping (clear fluid not puss) a bit & went a bit crusty by the time i got around to cleaning it. the skin around my top ball is more noticably pink/red (caus you see it), but if i look at it, the bottom ball gets a bit pink too (but i think it gets bumped less caus of where it is)

cleaning can get a bit painful, espically if its been knocked around a bit earlier that day. what're you using to clean it? i've worked out that cotton balls in salt water (just dip a bit of it in once or twice and it soaks through pretty quickly), squeezed around/above the holes seems to work best (i also try to clean around the actual hole with the ball and then get any water out of my navel with a cotton bud), and i've also started dipping the corners of a folded tissue in the water and using my nails to get in under the balls and clean the skin a bit better. just make sure you have a tissue or face washer under your belly button to catch the water when you're squeezing it, otherwise you'll get wet pants :p

i havent tried lying on it..i'm not used to lying on my belly, but i wouldnt try it just yet (2 weeks tomorrow) because i dont want to be in a tonne of pain. its painful enough having my belly up against my bf's when i'm hugging him a little too tight, i dont like the idea of putting my whole body weight on top of it

well mine a bit pink around the top hole and if you look right directrly under the ball its a darker red almost like a scab. you cant see it all though except from my perspective looking right down when the bar is pushed up as far as it will go. looking at from front-on, it doesent look red at all. mine hasnt weeped at all yet. when i go to work i cover it with a bandage and then with a hard eye patch over it in case it gets knocked. (im a touch anal). I had it checked by the peircer today and she said it looks fine and its not infected.

i clean it twice a day and to start with i have a gel that they gave me at the piercers its the same brand as that stuff you get for ear piercings anywhere in that pinky green bottle. First i put normal water on it, then i put a smidge of the gel on the top ball and the bottom one and i have to move the bar to make sure that the gel gets all the way inside the hole. then after that i rinse it a bit. then i soak it in warm salt water for awhile and i do it by getting it in a small shot glass and i just put the whole shot glass on my stomach and let it sit there and soak for awhile. then i take it off and try and dry it. i dont know if i dry it really good its really hard to get into your belly button!
my piercer told me i might be cleaning it to much though she said maybe just one salt soak a day. im still worried though because im a bit sick and im coming down with something and the piercer says it will probably flare up if i do get sick


cool duckie
Aug 31, 2003
everywhere and nowhere
mine took a while to start weeping, but i think another reason why it does is caus it gets bumped so much at work
i tried covering it with some gause/padding stuff to give it a bit of protection, but it got in the way a bit so i gave up on that and tried to be a bit more careful with it

i didnt get any of that gel, but the salt water's not too hard to work with. that shot glass idea sounds good. i do it twice a day with the salt water.


i am cool :)
Jun 4, 2006
belly piercings are so common these days, but it's so hot :) . They say the most painful is when you turn the bar preventing it from sticking to your skin, however it didn't hurt for me at all lol .

i like piercings but not those over the top ones like your cheeks or the bridge of your nose etc .. lol but still, what i put my poor parents through which each new piercing
i have 6 piercings on the ear . tongue . belly . beauty spot/monroe piercing and one tattoo on the lower back .

i dont know if i should take the monroe out soon, lol . oh well, i think i should concentrate on the HSC haha . boohoo :(


i am cool :)
Jun 4, 2006
but eyebrow piercings on guys aren't too dramatic . this guy at my school has his bridge pierced, still makes me cringe .. lol but i guess you made a wise decision

but im more the type, i want a piercing, research endlessly and get it .. however, only my recent monroe piercing took them by surprise . Maybe because they're asian and don't associate kindly with facial piercings lol

oh well . all my piercings will be gone sooner or later .

Ranger Stacie

hollaback girl
Oct 13, 2003
central coast
well i had a not so good day! I kicked the day off by scratching it in my sleep, which made it bleed, i had to get up at 3am and clean it cos i didnt want it to get infected.
then i was at uni and i was leaning on this table, and it got caught or something underneath it and i didnt realise and when i stood up- holy fuck it hurt.
THEN I got home, had a huge fight with my monster of a brother who was feeling particulary vicious and he punched me in the stomach. And once again, holy fuck, I was in more pain then ever getting it pierced. And it started bleeding again. I cleaned it ASAP and did a warm salt soak for slightly longer straight after, and again thismorning and it really helped, its gone back to normal its just slightly redder than before.
Im also getting really frustrated cos my piercer told me on day 10 id be sweet to go back to the gym and get back into hectic exercise (including sit ups), its day 9 and I still need to take it pretty easy at the gym or it hurts and is uncomfortable. (no running, bouncing etc) which is shitting me off.


cool duckie
Aug 31, 2003
everywhere and nowhere
i know what you mean with massively molesting it a couple of times a day...but luckily for me mine hasnt gotten to the bleeding stage yet.
its good that you're taking so much care with cleaning it after it bleeds (can you imagine what it'd be like if you didnt!)

10 days to be full-swing at the gym sounds way too soon. its been 2.5 weeks since i got mine done and i still dont think it'd be healed enough to go to the gym..it hurts enough with everyday stuff, i dont want to imagine trying to run or do anything too gym-like just yet (i also dont do much gym-like stuff normally, but i want to get into it..assigments are gay though)
i suggest you give it a week or 2, hopefully its a bit better by then

Ranger Stacie

hollaback girl
Oct 13, 2003
central coast
ive beeng oing to the gym and i can handle bike riding, walking, and the cross trainer and some weights, but its really gay, iw ant to go back to normal!
my belly seems ok now, it was hell crusty and scabby before but its calmed down


Clinical is OVER
Feb 4, 2004
back in sydney
i've had mine 4 months and it still plays up from time to time. I have a tendency to knock it in my sleep and then it gets very angry for a couple of days. The spray that they gave me was useless so i just used salt water and even though you arent supposed to .. just a little bit of diluted dettol which hurt like hell but its now being good to me until i knock it the next time. Sometimes i think its not worth all the trouble its taken but then i like it again. My friend who had it done with me took hers out after a week. The piercer pretty much gave her a surface piercing. none of the bar went through her navel. pretty much where the top ball is on my one is where her bottom one was. She went beforeme but i didnt pay much attention to where she got it done i was sorta freaking out.


cool duckie
Aug 31, 2003
everywhere and nowhere
Katie123 said:
The piercer pretty much gave her a surface piercing. none of the bar went through her navel. pretty much where the top ball is on my one is where her bottom one was.
didnt they mark it up with the ink beforehand?


Active Member
Jul 4, 2004
Mine looked like that when i had it in. The gem at on yours is really big though, it could be adding weight to the peircing.

Ranger Stacie

hollaback girl
Oct 13, 2003
central coast
ohh this is good. maybe after 3 months i will find a lighter bar and ask a piercer to put it in to help it heal better

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