Please fill my survey out for CAFS (1 Viewer)


New Member
Oct 15, 2013
Hey everyone! Can you please fill out my survey for my CAFS IRP. I'm not sure if setting it out like this is going to be easy for you but please let me know :)
Thanks guys!!

1. How old are you?

2. Which one of these options best describes your acne?
a) A few pimples here and there that eventually goes
b) Noticeable red blemishes that are painful
d) Acne all over (including cheeks, forehead, chin, neck and chest)

3. How long have you suffered from acne?
a) A few months
b) About a year
c) Over a year

4. Have you approached any professionals to help you with your acne? If so, which professional and what did they say?

5. At which age did acne begin to affect you physically? And how?

6. Do you believe that your acne has affected your social skills? (e.g. talking to the opposite gender)

7. Have you had any emotional side effects? If yes, what side effects? (e.g. depression)

8. Have you ever been absent from school/work because of your acne?

9. Do you believe that people with no acne judge you? If so, why?

10. If someone were to comment on your acne, how would you feel?


I complete the Squar3
Sep 11, 2011
My bathtub
Hey everyone! Can you please fill out my survey for my CAFS IRP. I'm not sure if setting it out like this is going to be easy for you but please let me know :)
Thanks guys!!

1. How old are you?


2. Which one of these options best describes your acne?
a) A few pimples here and there that eventually goes
b) Noticeable red blemishes that are painful
d) Acne all over (including cheeks, forehead, chin, neck and chest)

3. How long have you suffered from acne?
a) A few months
b) About a year
c) Over a year

4. Have you approached any professionals to help you with your acne? If so, which professional and what did they say?
Yes, I tried a million different topical creams, then they gave me antibiotics, but that fucked up my natural cycles so now I just use proactiv.

5. At which age did acne begin to affect you physically? And how?

11, I didn't mind it, until it spread further down my neck and on to my back when I was around 13/14, making it look absolutely horrifying. I still get frequent breakouts, the scarring on my back/shoulders is so bad that I'd rather take care of the scarring than getting rid of the acne.

6. Do you believe that your acne has affected your social skills? (e.g. talking to the opposite gender)
Well, not entirely... only if there was something really big and ugly on some prominent area of my face, yes, I would do everything to hide/get rid of it.

7. Have you had any emotional side effects? If yes, what side effects? (e.g. depression)
I'm just very self-conscious about the scarring on my back which is hideous. I do everything I can to cover it up, and I have been for the last 7 years.

8. Have you ever been absent from school/work because of your acne?

9. Do you believe that people with no acne judge you? If so, why?

Plenty. They think I don't take care of my skin etc. I've gotten comments in the past about my bacne. Most of them, after seeing the scarring would think I have some sort of disease. One day a girl refused to braid my hair thinking the acne on my back was contagious and sat far far away.

10. If someone were to comment on your acne, how would you feel?

What does it make me feel? I guess just being angry at myself, because I can't do anything about it. Especially the scarring. And it's not going away! Godammit those lies that people tell when they say "acne goes away when you're older". No, I've had it for over 7 years and it doesn't look like it's going to go away anytime soon.

Sorry, I sorta ranted. Lol.


cindy is such a bitch
Dec 18, 2013
Hey everyone! Can you please fill out my survey for my CAFS IRP. I'm not sure if setting it out like this is going to be easy for you but please let me know :)
Thanks guys!!

1. How old are you?

2. Which one of these options best describes your acne?
a) A few pimples here and there that eventually goes/face is mostly clear: except for that time of the month...
b) Noticeable red blemishes that are painful
d) Acne all over (including cheeks, forehead, chin, neck and chest)

3. How long have you suffered from acne?
a) A few months
b) About a year
c) Over a year (In the past yes, but it has never gotten too severe: has gotten heaps better!)

4. Have you approached any professionals to help you with your acne? If so, which professional and what did they say?
Yes, my local GP put me on Minocycline for 3 months and benzol peroxide gel.

5. At which age did acne begin to affect you physically? And how?
About 11/12. Spots started to appear on my forehead, chin and nose.

6. Do you believe that your acne has affected your social skills? (e.g. talking to the opposite gender)
To some extent yes. Previously I tried to hide my face although my acne wasn't too bad. I also tried concealers and foundations to achieve a flawless face. I was shy and quiet when I had constant breakouts and didn't socialise much.

7. Have you had any emotional side effects? If yes, what side effects? (e.g. depression)
Not really, I just hated my acne. I wasn't really too affected by it in the long term.

8. Have you ever been absent from school/work because of your acne?

9. Do you believe that people with no acne judge you? If so, why?
Yes, I do. Despite the fact that my face is generally clear: people without acne still tend to comment whenever I get a breakout/pimples.

10. If someone were to comment on your acne, how would you feel?
It hurts, really it does. People always tell me that I breakout because I don't wash my face or I don't take care of my skin; they don't know that I wash my face 3 times a day with an exfoliating brush, and treat my face with cleanser, toner, acne sunscreen, benzol peroxide, oral medication etc. I guess people comment without knowing and make generalisations way too much.


Sep 8, 2011
1. How old are you?

2. Which one of these options best describes your acne?
a) A few pimples here and there that eventually goes
b) Noticeable red blemishes that are painful
d) Acne all over (including cheeks, forehead, chin, neck and chest)

3. How long have you suffered from acne?
a) A few months
b) About a year
c) Over a year

4. Have you approached any professionals to help you with your acne? If so, which professional and what did they say?
Yes, I went to my local GP who prescribed me with some prescription gel, DUAC (crazily expensive even with a low income health card). It worked miracles on my face :D But I eventually got lazy and stopped using it. My pimples did return but to a lesser degree.

5. At which age did acne begin to affect you physically? And how?
Um i guess when I was in year 6-7,. I just started to break out, it was nothing serious until I got to age 14-15 when my body started to destroy my face by breaking out everyday ==". It kept getting worse and worse. :(

6. Do you believe that your acne has affected your social skills? (e.g. talking to the opposite gender)
I don't think my acne was the sole reason for social ineptness, i.e. talking to both guys and girls. I think my low self esteem which arose from the acne and a variety of other physical and emotional imperfections, made me feel crappy about myself which in turn affected my social skills. So, basically no.

7. Have you had any emotional side effects? If yes, what side effects? (e.g. depression)
Sadly yes. Like I answered in question 6, I have pretty low self esteem. The fact that I had pimples that would break out continually didn't help my esteem much. I felt pretty crappy during the ages of 10-15. I wasn't actually depressed but I kept continually putting myself down and it feed my low esteem. I was very moody, aggressive and defensive when someone pointed out my pimples, but inside I was crying :(

8. Have you ever been absent from school/work because of your acne?

9. Do you believe that people with no acne judge you? If so, why?
Hahaha, if you'd asked me when I was 10-15 I would have said hell yes. Like I said I have self esteem problems. I was also paranoid that everyone in the world hated me and my physical self. So if I was imperfect, i.e. had acne, the world would hate and judge me. Now I would still say yes, I always get comments like clean your face or you're dirty... Which still gets on my nerves! It's like if you have acne you are immediately stigmatised as a person who is dirty... I guess people judge me and other acne sufferers because they were taught to value beauty over everything else, which is understandable as beauty is often associated with positive attributes such as kindness, confidence and intelligence. And in our society pimples and any facial imperfections are not deemed beautiful. As a result people judge those with physical imperfections such as acne.

10. If someone were to comment on your acne, how would you feel?
I always get the same gross look on peoples eyes as if I carry the plague because of my pimples. And it's usually followed by "here use this, it'll get ride of those pimples". Depending on my mood I would either angry cry and yell at the person or just tell them to piss off and walk away, but I would always feel the same way, pretty sad and depressed about myself.

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