Please Help Asap! Psych/Comm (Mkt) Usyd vs Macquarie (2 Viewers)

Cafe Delight

New Member
Feb 15, 2015
Ive come here to ask for advice seeing as ive seen alot of posts regarding university/degree comparison and personal experience.
I have less than 2 weeks to decide which offer I am to chose.
This is my situation

I have two offers

1. B Psych (arts) USYD

2. B Commerce with B Psych (Honours) Macquarie

I originally wanted to get into

1. B Commerce (Liberal Studies) At Usyd, but I just missed the cut off ( i am a transfer student from another university neither of the two listed above)

I have a strong interest in both marketing and psychology, and i predict that my first job for personal reasons, would be a marketer. Hence from snooping around, I put marketing in a sort of priority when chosing the degree (if that makes sense) It could easily be that I stick with psychology after graduation but that all depends.

I had a strong want originally to go to usyd, because I wanted to prove to myself that I could get into the top university, i love the city atmosphere and always wanted to study right in the heart of sydney, and i wanted to prepare myself well in regards to industry ties, internships and exchange, and after graduate employment

I do not have the best feeling about macquarie and I cannot put my finger on it
However Ive heard that the psych department is outstanding, but for marketing I have not heard that much from either university, except i noticed that the sydney marketing society was inviting macquaries marketing society to events etc. being able to do exchange is quite easy and its a uni closer to me, ive also heard its a bit more personal

Ive made a comparison list between two unis but i still cant decide.
Ill post it later if someone wants to see it as its a bit long.

If i take the single usyd degree I need 75 average to transfer next year into the double degree, and i will have 4 units this year which wont be of that much use for my career (because its not a double degree)
(Time of degree is not really a concern for me)

if i chose macquarie all my units are relevant this year, and i guess if i dislike it i could always transfer at the end of the year, however ive had a bit of a personal rough patch and i wouldn't want to mope around for the next year.

What do you guys reckon?
Help, advice and personal experience stories are much appreciated!
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Dec 20, 2012
4 years is a long time. USYD definitely. Arguably the best University in Australia. Not that competitive to transfer into Commerce but have you considered Economics? Don't worry about units that won't count after transfer, it's an education and there's value in every subject for later life. Employers won't take you seriously form Macq.


The pessimistic optimist.
Jul 11, 2012
l'appel du vide
Uni Grad
I'd probably take the USYD offer and then do internal transfer.

Cafe Delight

New Member
Feb 15, 2015
4 years is a long time. USYD definitely. Arguably the best University in Australia. Not that competitive to transfer into Commerce but have you considered Economics? Don't worry about units that won't count after transfer, it's an education and there's value in every subject for later life. Employers won't take you seriously form Macq.
Sorry but where is your evidence for any of this ?

I see that you finished your hsc this year. and I know some people comming straight from highschool (im not straight from highschool btw) have this warped views regarding which university is best, and choosing it based on how the campus looks for e.g, instead of the actual quality of their department etc.

And what is your basis that usyd is the best university ? Rankings ? You know actually some of the level of teaching at usyd I've heard from people transferring out of there and the stats that it's worse than many other universities. Go figure . That the uni sometimes gets by because research pushes them up in the rankings.
even as someone who originally didn't think about macquarie. Rest assured, that you won't be able to coast along at uni just because you're in a highly ranked one. If someone from any other uni is superior to you in any other way , they will get the job not you.
Generally . Unless you are in finance , accounting or law , reputation hardly means anything. For example there is a website where employers from big firms hire and an employee of the website wrote in the Forum that no companies have shown a preference for any university.

I'll just note also again that I would be transferring into the double degree so as it is now but with commerce as well. Yes it is competitive it's one of the most sought after degrees in usyd according to usyd.

Edit: I see that Dupain has an irrational bias against macquarie from her other posts on this site
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Cafe Delight

New Member
Feb 15, 2015
I'd probably take the USYD offer and then do internal transfer.
Usyd doesn't have internal transfers from a single degree into a double degree unfortunately .
In this case I would have to wait one year with full study load then go again through uac with gpa marks


New Member
Jun 25, 2010
Uni Grad
Hi, if you originally wanted to do B Commerce (Liberal Studies) at Usyd and intend on transferring then perhaps choose B Psych at Usyd. If you choose the arts stream for B Psych you will do PYSC1001 and PSYC1002 in the first year, then you have to choose 6 more units of study from the arts department. Some (if not all, you have to look online) of these credit points from the 6 subjects can be then transferred into your B Commerce (Liberal Studies) degree once you transfer.

That being said, there's nothing wrong with going to Macq. Employers will definitely take you seriously (despite what the person above said). I've heard a lot of great things about their uni from friends who go there.
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Dec 20, 2012
Sorry but where is your evidence for any of this ?

I see that you finished your hsc this year. and I know some people comming straight from highschool (im not straight from highschool btw) have this warped views regarding which university is best, and choosing it based on how the campus looks for e.g, instead of the actual quality of their department etc.

And what is your basis that usyd is the best university ? Rankings ? You know actually some of the level of teaching at usyd I've heard from people transferring out of there and the stats that it's worse than many other universities. Go figure . That the uni sometimes gets by because research pushes them up in the rankings.
even as someone who originally didn't think about macquarie. Rest assured, that you won't be able to coast along at uni just because you're in a highly ranked one. If someone from any other uni is superior to you in any other way , they will get the job not you.
Generally . Unless you are in finance , accounting or law , reputation hardly means anything. For example there is a website where employers from big firms hire and an employee of the website wrote in the Forum that no companies have shown a preference for any university.

I'll just note also again that I would be transferring into the double degree so as it is now but with commerce as well. Yes it is competitive it's one of the most sought after degrees in usyd according to usyd.

Edit: I see that Dupain has an irrational bias against macquarie from her other posts on this site

How many Prime Ministers or Supreme Court Judges or Noble Prized winners have MAQ produced compared with USYD?

Fancy hanging out at Macquarie Shopping Centre Food Court as a main part your social life?

You've got an opportunity to go to USYD. An opportunity that many people in life have no hope of getting and you are thinking of wasting it?

Deary me.
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Cafe Delight

New Member
Feb 15, 2015
Deary me.
"Deary me"

Don't try speaking down to someone who has more life and teritary experience than you. You stirred the bowl and now you're going to get the result

Your post recently was " should i be ashamed of going to macquarie" Self deprication at its finest, delusiona and elitism

Lets see..

How about the fact that you are still heavily influenced by your father as you said on another post who seems more concerned with chosing a uni where you can find better boys - which is just appauling

that "I don't want to worry about WAMs, GPAs and transfering/JD entry" - enough said.

If you click on Dupains page and latest posts you can see what I mean

The fact that you compare the above professionals at usyd by not thinking indepth as to actually why that is the case makes me worry for your critical thinking.
Let me give you a hint. Strong research attracts future noble prize winners from around the globe (not always born and bred at usyd) but research has little if anything to do with the quality of undergraduate degrees? do you know even how university works?

Just because you didn't get into USYD, it doesnt mean that you get to irritate other people which ACTUALLY investigate each and every benefit of each university such as teaching, scholarships, class size, location, and faculty strengths, are picked on because they look deeper than the prestige.

Let it be a lesson for you. Fix your ego or the consequences will come back to bite you. However I think they are already.

Do me a favour and just get off my post so I can receive actual answers from people that have the life and study experience to know what they are talking about.
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Cafe Delight

New Member
Feb 15, 2015
Hi, if you originally wanted to do B Commerce (Liberal Studies) at Usyd and intend on transferring then perhaps choose B Psych at Usyd. If you choose the arts stream for B Psych you will do PYSC1001 and PSYC1002 in the first year, then you have to choose 6 more units of study from the arts department. Some (if not all, you have to look online) of these credit points from the 6 subjects can be then transferred into your B Commerce (Liberal Studies) degree once you transfer.

That being said, there's nothing wrong with going to Macq. Employers will definitely take you seriously (despite what the person above said). I've heard a lot of great things about their uni from friends who go there.
Thanks for the insight rach18! :)


Dec 20, 2012
"Deary me"

Don't try speaking down to someone who has more life and teritary experience than you. You stirred the bowl and now you're going to get the result

Your post recently was " should i be ashamed of going to macquarie" Self deprication at its finest, delusiona and elitism

Lets see..

How about the fact that you are still heavily influenced by your father as you said on another post who seems more concerned with chosing a uni where you can find better boys - which is just appauling

that "I don't want to worry about WAMs, GPAs and transfering/JD entry" - enough said.

If you click on Dupains page and latest posts you can see what I mean

The fact that you compare the above professionals at usyd by not thinking indepth as to actually why that is the case makes me worry for your critical thinking.
Let me give you a hint. Strong research attracts future noble prize winners from around the globe (not always born and bred at usyd) but research has little if anything to do with the quality of undergraduate degrees? do you know even how university works?

Just because you didn't get into USYD, it doesnt mean that you get to irritate other people which ACTUALLY investigate each and every benefit of each university such as teaching, scholarships, class size, location, and faculty strengths, are picked on because they look deeper than the prestige.

Let it be a lesson for you. Fix your ego or the consequences will come back to bite you. However I think they are already.

Do me a favour and just get off my post so I can receive actual answers from people that have the life and study experience to know what they are talking about.
Yes, you may have had more life/tertiary experience boy but only because you were not smart enough to get in to the course of your choice first time.

You are going to Macq .... lol .... why would you ask people for advice, from your responses you have your heart set on Macq food court for the next few years as your social life and graduating with an arguably almost unemployable degree. USYD ... why would you even consider any other choice if you were offered a place.

100% advice/feedback is USYD on here.

Do you have a fetish with studying in a shopping centre food court?

Deary me.
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Aug 12, 2013
If i was in your position i would go for B of comm/psych (honors) at Macq because of the outstanding rating of the psychology faculty and also commerce - marketing is really good at MQ. I have a grad friend who transferred from usyd to mq for comm marketing and he really enjoyed it and is successfully earning $$$.

What's travel like for both unis?

Cafe Delight

New Member
Feb 15, 2015
If i was in your position i would go for B of comm/psych (honors) at Macq because of the outstanding rating of the psychology faculty and also commerce - marketing is really good at MQ. I have a grad friend who transferred from usyd to mq for comm marketing and he really enjoyed it and is successfully earning $$$.

What's travel like for both unis?
Hey Mr Tammoth! Thanks so much for your reply!
Thats actually something I wanted to hear, ( about marketing ) because I havent been able to find much info for some reason.
That's nice to hear he's doing well for himself!
Macquarie is actually closer to me (30 min) - so thats pretty good!

I was wondering if it was really good (and it seems it is) because macquarie has their own degree just for marketing and media.
just wondering if you heard from him if there were good internships available for him for marketing? :)
and also - what he didnt like about usyd?

Thanks again! :)

Cafe Delight

New Member
Feb 15, 2015
Yes, you may have had more life/tertiary experience boy but only because you were not smart enough to get in to the course of your choice first time.

You are going to Macq .... lol .... why would you ask people for advice, from your responses you have your heart set on Macq food court for the next few years as your social life and graduating with an arguably almost unemployable degree. USYD ... why would you even consider any other choice if you were offered a place.

100% advice/feedback is USYD on here.

Do you have a fetish with studying in a shopping centre food court?

Deary me.
Dupain - I see now that you're clearly a narcissist. So because of this i've also realised that whatever I've said above will go out your other ear and I really feel sorry for you. But you probably will start another personal attack on me again - because that's what narcissists usually result to. I'm far too intelligent and insightful to spend anymore time with you - and I only replied this time so others can see that they shouldn't listen to you.


Aug 12, 2013
Hey Mr Tammoth! Thanks so much for your reply!
Thats actually something I wanted to hear, ( about marketing ) because I havent been able to find much info for some reason.
That's nice to hear he's doing well for himself!
Macquarie is actually closer to me (30 min) - so thats pretty good!

I was wondering if it was really good (and it seems it is) because macquarie has their own degree just for marketing and media.
just wondering if you heard from him if there were good internships available for him for marketing? :)
and also - what he didnt like about usyd?

Thanks again! :)
He said that commerce (marketing) is exactly the same at macq and usyd it was just the social environment at usyd wasn't his cup of tea. He specifically mentioned that Macq social environment is a lot better than usyd.

Also he was a lot closer to Macq then usyd in which he thought it was more convenient to go to macq. He did like the scenery of Usyd and the location but at the end of the day he thought transferring and graduating from Macq was the best option he has ever taken.

He said he did CPA Australian Student Ambassador program which provided really good internships and business related stuff etc.

EDIT: he also mentioned that he will be promoted to work either singapore/london/hk - he gets to choose which ever. ( He is only into his third year working at age 24)
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Cafe Delight

New Member
Feb 15, 2015
He said that commerce (marketing) is exactly the same at macq and usyd it was just the social environment at usyd wasn't his cup of tea. He specifically mentioned that Macq social environment is a lot better than usyd.

Also he was a lot closer to Macq then usyd in which he thought it was more convenient to go to macq. He did like the scenery of Usyd and the location but at the end of the day he thought transferring and graduating from Macq was the best option he has ever taken.

He said he did CPA Australian Student Ambassador program which provided really good internships and business related stuff etc.

EDIT: he also mentioned that he will be promoted to work either singapore/london/hk - he gets to choose which ever. ( He is only into his third year working at age 24)
Hi MrTammoth!

Really interesting!
Ah CPA is for accounting I believe
Thanks so much for the info! (and the edit!) :)

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