katie_tully said:
That made me laugh so hard. It's as though Australia's homeless CHOOSE to sleep on park benches.
It's as though Ross Turnbull decided he'd rather eat watered down soup than caviar.
dont laugh, i was playin cricket and we lost the ball one of mates smacked a big six in to the bushes.
at the end of the match, this lets say hobo found the ball and returned it to us. And then he explained to us that he was good cricket players and wanted to join our team. my captain took it seriously, and then asked for his home number to give the details.
he replied he doesnt have a number, later he said that his mom lives at home. then we asked where he lives, he pointed just at the back ground in the ditch, so we got his number and we told him we will give him a call.
the guy was a complete retard, i doubt he was on centrelink probably not smart enough to go there. that is not poverty the guy, surely must have fucked his life at somepoint.
Pverty in australia is mostly caused by people fucking up their own lives, gambling, smokin drugs etc. where as in africa, they are poor basically as soon as they are born. there is a clear difference.
Centrelink is awesome, not all countries have this welfare system. only a few do. its good, the average man can get some money by doing nothing. i dont know why u laugh, but get acquainted to the realism of life u dont become poor in australia just like that- u have to fuck up. and essentially thats ur fault.