I think negative feedback system is the only one relevant to the Maintaining a Balance module for HSC Biology.
Negative feedback mechanism is coordinated by our Central Nervous System (brain/spinal cord) basically regulates the homeostatic set points for certain components of our internal environment: for eg, body temperature is set at 37*C. Through the stimuli>receptor>CNS>effector>response pathway, a response is generated by the hypothalamus that counters any external pressure which causes any deviation from our set temperature of 37*C. So external pressures from the environment is countered in order to maintain homeostasis.
Positive feedback mechanism by contrast is aimed at facillitating the body's response to suit external pressures from the environment. Enzyme production is an example. If due to some environmental pressure, a certain amount of a biochemical product is required, the production of enzymes responsible for making that product will be stimulated.
So basically positive feedback: environment causes body to need more product A, body produces more enzymes to make product A.
Whereas in negative feedback: environment causes body to rise in temperature, body generates response that negates the rise in temperature.