Do I get rep?
Back when i did SC, it was only 3 subjects

English, Maths and Science
My results were
Maths - 99
Science - 99
English - 91
Apparently this year Geo and Science were a great deal easier to get band 6's. I looked at the stats the other day, cant remember off the top of my head, but i think 30+% of students got band 5 or above in science?
Something like 8% got band 6 and 32% got band 5? (Might have been 23%, cant remember, lol) Previous years it was something like top 3-4% got band 6 iirc.
Our school got in the double figures for band 6's in science, our previous years the maximum we have had was 2 or 3.
We actually had yearly exams end of Term 3.