bazookajoe said:
I'm doing Arts and the chick behind the computer told me I couldn't do ARIN1000. Stupid USYD people
I went to the Arts Advisor and she said she didn't think I could do it. She took ages to find it in the handbook - couldn't find it - and ended up sending me to Mr. Digi cultures Advisor.
He then said I could do it.
I filled in my form, went to the computers guy. He said I couldn't do it... so I said the Digital Cultures guy said I could. The computer guy called for someone, and that someone said that 'Digital Cultures (ARIN)' subjects are available to anyone doing BA and BA (Digital Technology & Culture) this year because it says in the handbook. So it may or may not have been a handbook mistake, but either way - they had to let me do it.
I win