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Here's what they've asked in the past years (all the 4-8 mark questions from 2004-2011). 
The Production of Materials
Assess the potential of ethanol as an alternative fuel, making use of the data from the table. (5 marks)
[Source: Question 25 2004 HSC Paper]
Discuss the benefits and problem associated with the use of one radioactive isotope in industry. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 26 2004 HSC Paper]
Assess the impact of the recent development of a named biopolymer on society and the environment. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 17 2005 HSC Paper]
Steps involved in the production of ethyl butanoate. Describe the chemistry and procedure involved in each of these steps, using diagrams where appropriate. (7 marks)
[Source: Question 20 2005 HSC Paper]
Analyse why ethylene is such an important starting material for the chemical industry. In your answer, include relevant chemical equations, and a description of new materials and fuels that can be prepared from ethylene. (7 marks)
[Source: Question 20 2006 HSC Paper]
There are many benefits and problems associated with the use of radioisotopes in industry and medicine. Evaluate the impact on society of the use of radioisotopes in both industry and medicine. In your answer, give examples of specific radioisotopes, making reference to their chemical properties. (7 marks)
[Source: Question 19 2007 HSC Paper]
Explain how the structure and properties of polyethylene and polystyrene relate to the way each is used. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 26 2007 HSC Paper]
Critically evaluate the extract with reference to ethanol being a “carbon-neutral” fuel. Support your answer with relevant chemical equations. (5 marks)
[Source: Question 22 2008 HSC Paper]
Water and ethanol are both used as solvents. Explain the differences and similarities in their solvent behaviour in terms of their molecular structures. Include a diagram in your answer. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 17 2009 HSC Paper]
Outline the chemical and physical processes involved in the production of one of the following from a natural raw material: polyethylene bottle or polyvinyl chloride pipe or polystyrene cups. Include relevant chemical equations in your answer. (6 marks)
[Source: Question 19 2009 HSC Paper]
Explain the relationship between the structures and properties of three different polymers from ethylene and glucose, and their uses. (5 marks)
[Source: Question 30 2010 HSC Paper]
What features of the molecular structure of ethanol account for its extensive use as a solvent? Include a diagram in your answer. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 21 2011 HSC Paper]
The following extract was taken from a blog about environmental issues. Assess the uses of polystyrene and a named biopolymer in terms of their properties, with reference to the statements made in this blog. (5 marks)
[Source: Question 27 2011 HSC Paper]
The Acidic Environment
Analyses how knowledge of the composition and properties of acids has led to changes in the definition of acids. (5 marks)
[Source: Question 21 2005 HSC Paper]
The atmosphere contains acidic oxides of sulfur which have been increasing in concentration since the industrial revolution. Discuss the evidence for this statement, and include relevant balanced chemical equations. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 22 2006 HSC Paper]
Evaluate the effect of the sulfur reduction policy on the environment. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 22 2007 HSC Paper]
Sodium hydrogen carbonate, NaHCO3, is commonly used to neutralise chemical spills that are a potential hazard to the environment. Assess the effectiveness of NaHCO3 in this role, with reference to its chemical properties. (5 marks)
[Source: Question 25 2007 HSC Paper]
Explain how a buffer works with reference to a specific example in a natural system. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 26 2008 HSC Paper]
Describe how to prepare an ester in the school laboratory. Include a specific safety precaution in your answer. (3 marks)
[Source: Question 16 2009 HSC Paper]
The flowchart shown outlines the sequence of steps used to determine the concentration of an unknown HCl solution. Describe steps A, B and C including correct techniques, equipment and appropriate calculations. Determine the concentration of HCl. (8 marks)
[Source: Question 28 2010 HSC Paper]
Chemical Monitoring and Management
Discuss the problems associated with the use of CFCs, and assess the suitability of alternative chemicals as replacements, using data in the table. (7 marks)
[Source: Question 27 2004 HSC Paper]
Describe two possible sources of contamination in this catchment, and assess methods that could be used for purifying the water before it reaches the town. (7 marks)
[Source: Question 26 2005 HSC Paper]
Evaluate the significance of Haber’s discovery at the time in world history. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 24 2006 HSC Paper]
The diagram shows recent atmospheric ozone concentrations above Antarctica. Explain how this information was obtained, and outline the changes that have occurred in atmospheric ozone concentrations above Antarctica during the past twenty years. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 28 2006 HSC Paper]
Ozone is a gas found in layers X and Y. Explain the effect of ozone in each of these layers. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 16b 2007 HSC Paper]
Using two examples, analyse how the features of catchment areas will determine the water treatment necessary to make the water safe to drink. (5 marks)
[Source: Question 17 2008 HSC Paper]
Using Le Chatelier’s principle, justify the choice of temperature and pressure conditions used to optimise the yield in the Haber process. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 23 2008 HSC Paper]
There has been an increase in the concentration of the oxides of nitrogen in the atmosphere as a result of combustion. Assess both the evidence to support this statement and the need to monitor these oxides. (5 marks)
[Source: Question 18 2009 HSC Paper]
Describe the principle of atomic absorption spectroscopy and its application in environmental monitoring. Include a diagram in your answer. (5 marks)
[Source: Question 24 2009 HSC Paper]
What is the relationship between dissolved oxygen and biochemical oxygen demand and why is it important to monitor both in natural waterways? (5 marks)
[Source: Question 25 2010 HSC Paper]
A student investigating the water quality of stormwater in a drain near the school collected samples for testing in the school laboratory. The student conducted the following tests to measure the quality of the stormwater. Hardness, Phosphate level, biochemical oxygen demand, total dissolved solids, turbidity, nitrate level. For two of these tests, outline the chemical or physical principle involved and the procedure followed in school laboratory. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 28 2011 HSC Paper]
The flowchart outlines the sequence of steps in Ostwald process for the manufacture of nitric acid. Explain the reaction conditions required at each step of the Ostwald process to maximise the yield and production rate of nitric acid. (6 marks)
[Source: Question 30 2011 HSC Paper]
Industrial Chemistry
Assess the environmental impacts of the different classes of detergents. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 28b 2004 HSC Paper]
Chemco Pty Ltd wishes to build two new industrial plants. One will be used for the production of sodium carbonate and the other for the production of sodium hydroxide. Assess the suitability of the three sites for locating industrial plants to produce each compound. (7 marks)
[Source: Question 28c 2004 HSC Paper]
Explain how the industrial method of producing soap differs from that used in school laboratories. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 28d 2004 HSC Paper]
Advances in chemistry have impacted on the development of technologies. Discuss this statement by analysing changes that have occurred in industrial methods for the production of sodium hydroxide. (7 marks)
[Source: Question 28c 2005 HSC Paper]
Identify possible environmental issues that may arise from the Solvay process, and evaluate methods of dealing with those environmental issues. (5 marks)
[Source: Question 28d 2005 HSC Paper]
In this option you studied one natural product that was not a fossil fuel. Describe the issues associated with shrinking world supplies of this natural product, and evaluate progress being made to solve the problems identified. (7 marks)
[Source: Question 29c 2006 HSC Paper]
Justify the conditions you would use to maximise the rate and yield of the second step in the Contact process. Include a balanced chemical equation in your answer. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 29d 2006 HSC Paper]
Over the past century, the production of sodium hydroxide has evolved from the mercury process, to the diaphragm process, to the membrane process. Analyse the factors that contributed to each of the changes in the production process.
Describe the impact that saponification products have had on society and the environment. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 28d 2007 HSC Paper]
Synthetic detergents have been developed over the past 60 years. Compare anionic, cationic, and non-ionic synthetic detergents in terms of their use and chemical composition and the impact that these detergents have had on the environment. (7 marks)
[Source: Question 29d 2008 HSC Paper]
The flowchart summarises the fundamental criteria that must be considered in order to find a suitable location for an industrial plant. With reference to the flowchart, explain the significance of each criterion to determine a suitable location for an industrial plant to manufacture sodium carbonate. (7 marks)
[Source: Question 27e 2009 HSC Paper]
Compare the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride and aqueous sodium chloride. Write the relevant half equations and overall reaction for each process. (5 marks)
[Source: Question 32b 2010 HSC Paper]
Assess the importance and resulting environmental impacts of using limestone in the Solvay process. (7 marks)
[Source: Question 32e 2010 HSC Paper]
Evaluate the impact on society of the environmental issues associated with three of the industrial processes that you have studied in this option. (7 marks)
[Source: Question 33e 2011 HSC Paper]
The Production of Materials
Assess the potential of ethanol as an alternative fuel, making use of the data from the table. (5 marks)
[Source: Question 25 2004 HSC Paper]
Discuss the benefits and problem associated with the use of one radioactive isotope in industry. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 26 2004 HSC Paper]
Assess the impact of the recent development of a named biopolymer on society and the environment. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 17 2005 HSC Paper]
Steps involved in the production of ethyl butanoate. Describe the chemistry and procedure involved in each of these steps, using diagrams where appropriate. (7 marks)
[Source: Question 20 2005 HSC Paper]
Analyse why ethylene is such an important starting material for the chemical industry. In your answer, include relevant chemical equations, and a description of new materials and fuels that can be prepared from ethylene. (7 marks)
[Source: Question 20 2006 HSC Paper]
There are many benefits and problems associated with the use of radioisotopes in industry and medicine. Evaluate the impact on society of the use of radioisotopes in both industry and medicine. In your answer, give examples of specific radioisotopes, making reference to their chemical properties. (7 marks)
[Source: Question 19 2007 HSC Paper]
Explain how the structure and properties of polyethylene and polystyrene relate to the way each is used. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 26 2007 HSC Paper]
Critically evaluate the extract with reference to ethanol being a “carbon-neutral” fuel. Support your answer with relevant chemical equations. (5 marks)
[Source: Question 22 2008 HSC Paper]
Water and ethanol are both used as solvents. Explain the differences and similarities in their solvent behaviour in terms of their molecular structures. Include a diagram in your answer. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 17 2009 HSC Paper]
Outline the chemical and physical processes involved in the production of one of the following from a natural raw material: polyethylene bottle or polyvinyl chloride pipe or polystyrene cups. Include relevant chemical equations in your answer. (6 marks)
[Source: Question 19 2009 HSC Paper]
Explain the relationship between the structures and properties of three different polymers from ethylene and glucose, and their uses. (5 marks)
[Source: Question 30 2010 HSC Paper]
What features of the molecular structure of ethanol account for its extensive use as a solvent? Include a diagram in your answer. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 21 2011 HSC Paper]
The following extract was taken from a blog about environmental issues. Assess the uses of polystyrene and a named biopolymer in terms of their properties, with reference to the statements made in this blog. (5 marks)
[Source: Question 27 2011 HSC Paper]
The Acidic Environment
Analyses how knowledge of the composition and properties of acids has led to changes in the definition of acids. (5 marks)
[Source: Question 21 2005 HSC Paper]
The atmosphere contains acidic oxides of sulfur which have been increasing in concentration since the industrial revolution. Discuss the evidence for this statement, and include relevant balanced chemical equations. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 22 2006 HSC Paper]
Evaluate the effect of the sulfur reduction policy on the environment. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 22 2007 HSC Paper]
Sodium hydrogen carbonate, NaHCO3, is commonly used to neutralise chemical spills that are a potential hazard to the environment. Assess the effectiveness of NaHCO3 in this role, with reference to its chemical properties. (5 marks)
[Source: Question 25 2007 HSC Paper]
Explain how a buffer works with reference to a specific example in a natural system. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 26 2008 HSC Paper]
Describe how to prepare an ester in the school laboratory. Include a specific safety precaution in your answer. (3 marks)
[Source: Question 16 2009 HSC Paper]
The flowchart shown outlines the sequence of steps used to determine the concentration of an unknown HCl solution. Describe steps A, B and C including correct techniques, equipment and appropriate calculations. Determine the concentration of HCl. (8 marks)
[Source: Question 28 2010 HSC Paper]
Chemical Monitoring and Management
Discuss the problems associated with the use of CFCs, and assess the suitability of alternative chemicals as replacements, using data in the table. (7 marks)
[Source: Question 27 2004 HSC Paper]
Describe two possible sources of contamination in this catchment, and assess methods that could be used for purifying the water before it reaches the town. (7 marks)
[Source: Question 26 2005 HSC Paper]
Evaluate the significance of Haber’s discovery at the time in world history. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 24 2006 HSC Paper]
The diagram shows recent atmospheric ozone concentrations above Antarctica. Explain how this information was obtained, and outline the changes that have occurred in atmospheric ozone concentrations above Antarctica during the past twenty years. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 28 2006 HSC Paper]
Ozone is a gas found in layers X and Y. Explain the effect of ozone in each of these layers. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 16b 2007 HSC Paper]
Using two examples, analyse how the features of catchment areas will determine the water treatment necessary to make the water safe to drink. (5 marks)
[Source: Question 17 2008 HSC Paper]
Using Le Chatelier’s principle, justify the choice of temperature and pressure conditions used to optimise the yield in the Haber process. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 23 2008 HSC Paper]
There has been an increase in the concentration of the oxides of nitrogen in the atmosphere as a result of combustion. Assess both the evidence to support this statement and the need to monitor these oxides. (5 marks)
[Source: Question 18 2009 HSC Paper]
Describe the principle of atomic absorption spectroscopy and its application in environmental monitoring. Include a diagram in your answer. (5 marks)
[Source: Question 24 2009 HSC Paper]
What is the relationship between dissolved oxygen and biochemical oxygen demand and why is it important to monitor both in natural waterways? (5 marks)
[Source: Question 25 2010 HSC Paper]
A student investigating the water quality of stormwater in a drain near the school collected samples for testing in the school laboratory. The student conducted the following tests to measure the quality of the stormwater. Hardness, Phosphate level, biochemical oxygen demand, total dissolved solids, turbidity, nitrate level. For two of these tests, outline the chemical or physical principle involved and the procedure followed in school laboratory. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 28 2011 HSC Paper]
The flowchart outlines the sequence of steps in Ostwald process for the manufacture of nitric acid. Explain the reaction conditions required at each step of the Ostwald process to maximise the yield and production rate of nitric acid. (6 marks)
[Source: Question 30 2011 HSC Paper]
Industrial Chemistry
Assess the environmental impacts of the different classes of detergents. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 28b 2004 HSC Paper]
Chemco Pty Ltd wishes to build two new industrial plants. One will be used for the production of sodium carbonate and the other for the production of sodium hydroxide. Assess the suitability of the three sites for locating industrial plants to produce each compound. (7 marks)
[Source: Question 28c 2004 HSC Paper]
Explain how the industrial method of producing soap differs from that used in school laboratories. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 28d 2004 HSC Paper]
Advances in chemistry have impacted on the development of technologies. Discuss this statement by analysing changes that have occurred in industrial methods for the production of sodium hydroxide. (7 marks)
[Source: Question 28c 2005 HSC Paper]
Identify possible environmental issues that may arise from the Solvay process, and evaluate methods of dealing with those environmental issues. (5 marks)
[Source: Question 28d 2005 HSC Paper]
In this option you studied one natural product that was not a fossil fuel. Describe the issues associated with shrinking world supplies of this natural product, and evaluate progress being made to solve the problems identified. (7 marks)
[Source: Question 29c 2006 HSC Paper]
Justify the conditions you would use to maximise the rate and yield of the second step in the Contact process. Include a balanced chemical equation in your answer. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 29d 2006 HSC Paper]
Over the past century, the production of sodium hydroxide has evolved from the mercury process, to the diaphragm process, to the membrane process. Analyse the factors that contributed to each of the changes in the production process.
Describe the impact that saponification products have had on society and the environment. (4 marks)
[Source: Question 28d 2007 HSC Paper]
Synthetic detergents have been developed over the past 60 years. Compare anionic, cationic, and non-ionic synthetic detergents in terms of their use and chemical composition and the impact that these detergents have had on the environment. (7 marks)
[Source: Question 29d 2008 HSC Paper]
The flowchart summarises the fundamental criteria that must be considered in order to find a suitable location for an industrial plant. With reference to the flowchart, explain the significance of each criterion to determine a suitable location for an industrial plant to manufacture sodium carbonate. (7 marks)
[Source: Question 27e 2009 HSC Paper]
Compare the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride and aqueous sodium chloride. Write the relevant half equations and overall reaction for each process. (5 marks)
[Source: Question 32b 2010 HSC Paper]
Assess the importance and resulting environmental impacts of using limestone in the Solvay process. (7 marks)
[Source: Question 32e 2010 HSC Paper]
Evaluate the impact on society of the environmental issues associated with three of the industrial processes that you have studied in this option. (7 marks)
[Source: Question 33e 2011 HSC Paper]
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