Beyond Godlike
What a crock of shit. A hysterectomy is much more effective.CharlieB said:Abstinence is the only form of birth control that is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy.
Seriously though, if you use a condom properly its very effective, i would say about 99%, just make sure you check it and realise if it tears and you will be fine, the reason why it varies is because some of the studies that tested it had political influences [right wing people who prefer to downplay contraception in order to promote abstinence for their own religious agenda] and so someone who uses a condom sometimes and other times just doesn't use anything is counted as a statistic, someone who puts the condom on their head instead of their dick is counted as a statistic and so forth.
If you are of normal intelligence and can be bothered to learn the correct way of using a condom and check for tears [if it breaks go get morning after pill] its pretty effective.
Same goes for the pill, you cant get pregnant if an egg isnt being released, but sometimes you can have clashes with other medication, forget to take it or be on the wrong hormone dose completely....
effectiveness estimates are almost always on the conservative side, in reality if you know what you are doing they work much better than people assume.