i made this app that was called 'smile a day', and basically it was a mental health tracker. you would sign in, and tick off from a list of what insecuritties you have (body image, confidence and work/school) and then in morning it would wake you up with an alarm and a nice message to do with the insecurity to make you feel better, and in the evening before you go to bed, it would ask how was your day, and you would pick from 1-5, 1 being a super sad blue face, and 5 being a super happy yellow face. Depending on the different face you get a different message. if you picked 1, then it asks if you want to talk to someone and gives you a bunch of numbers and help centres to call under different categories.
thats all quite complex to do, and i dunno if i explained it well, but we weren't able to make it wake you up.. So basically, you sign in, then say if you've woken up to get a message, then say that you're going to sleep to get the rating screen, and then the self-help screen if you press on the very sad face.
its all got very cute graphics and stuff so im quite proud of it

i would show it somehow but that involves a lot of effort to get the software working on an android emulator on the computer haha