Hahaha! We have matching rings? It's pretty cute ^^ When the HSC is over, we will try get matching gaming accessories for our PCs.
LOL the girls you know sound so sexually developed. I haven't had mine yet because I haven't done anything yet by myself or with someone LOL
But my boyfriend is really into legs, he likes
slightly chunky thighs so I'm sure that's why he's okay with me being chubby as long as I have the motivation to shift off my stomach and arm fat D: But that's as sexual as things get
Note: we both haven't gone through the whole sexual relationship thing yet...so that's maybe why we are okay with not moving too fast at 16 - 18. High school basically
And yeah

he is a kitten guy, he crumbles if you show him a cat, so I might actually buy it for him as a present. It's the #2 kind of pussy he likes