Wasn't 'sequely' because it acts as a prequel

As a stand alone movie, it was good. To fit in with the Aliens universe, it kind of pushed it.
(No seriously, spoilers).
The characters were very one-dimensional and predictable. Who didn't expect robot-boy to betray human kind? The bitch was a bitch for the sake of being a bitch with no other motivation in the movie other than to be a bitch. A seemingly easy bitch, too.
Angry man was angry because he was angry.
And why the FUCK would a BIOLOGIST get that close to an unknown species on an alien moon, and keep pestering it when it goes on the defensive? It was obvious that that wormy -thing- felt threatened. Animals on EARTH do the same thing upon feeling threatened. What moron tries to touch a defensive unknown species? A biologist? The guy was a moron - for the sake of being a moron.
Why the FUCK did they open the door when they see that angry man's camera feed had moved and was practically knocking on the door? My thought process would have gone, 'hmm... That guy is supposed to be dead. Maybe we SHOULDN'T open the door incase we're attacked by some MUTANT ALIEN ZOMBIE THING."