I just went through and quickly looked @ past paper questions from 2001 - 2007:
Section 3 structure (You should all know this by now

Essay 1(Ecosystems @ risk)
Essay 2(Urban Places)
Essay 3(People & economic activity)
1.human impacts on nature and change
2.urban dynamics
3.global change affects
1.biophysical interactions
2.world cities
3.explain location and ecological dimensions
1.importance of management and protection.
2.mega cities
3.nature, spatial patterns and future directions
1.spatial patterns, human impacts & dimensions (only ONE example)
2.urban dynamics
3.environmental, social and economic impacts
1.vulnerability and resilience
2.world cities and urban centres
3.environmental constraints and human impacts affect nature
1. traditional and contemporary management
2.contrast world cities & mega cities
3.nature, spatial pattern & ecological dimensions
1.Impacts & responses of environmental change
2.urban dynamics
3.nature and spatial patterns...future directions
Essay 1:
I would adivse that you study both of your ecosystems, not just one...there was only one year where ONE was specifically requested for essay 1.
2001 is similar to 2004 and 2007.
2003 is similar to 2006.
Essay 2:
Again, 2001 is similar to 2004 and 2007
2002 similar to 2005
Essay 3:
2003 very similar to 2007...slightly similar to 2006 also
Any thoughts? I think any questions asked last year can be safely crossed off...looks like same topics arn't really asked more then one year in a row.