you should complete a condition report...this shows the tennants what is damaged and undamaged including picture hooks, curtains, lights, floorings, doors and windows etc. then they go through the house and check that everything is right and sign it...this allows you to keep their bond if any damages are made you can prove it wasnt like that before.
then u will need to draw up a residential tenancy agreement (if the tenancy is 3 years or less) the info u need is:
THIS AGREEMENT is made on......./......./...... at .......................(place)................................. (state)
(name of landlords agent)...............................................(ABN/ACN)....................
(other people who will ordinarily live at the premesis may be listed/ cross out if not needed)...............................................................................................................
the landlord gives the tenant the right to occupy the premesis at.....................
and the following parking space and storeroom (cross out if not needed).........
the premesis are unfurnished/furnished, the furniture and furnishings set out in the condition report are included. (cross out whichever is not needed)
no more than......... persons may ordinarily live at the premesis at any one time
the rent is $............ payable every .......................................................... starting on ......./......./....... the tenant must pay in advance the.......................... of every...................................
the rent must be paid:
(a)to the landlord.......................................................................................
(b)at any other reasonable place to the landlords names in writing or;
(c)into the following account.......................................................................
payment must be paid by the following methods(e.g. cash, cheque, bank account deposit, or by an other method agreed to and set out here).......
th agreement is..............................................., beginning on ....../......./........ and ending on ......./......./......
at the end of the term the tenant can stay in the residential premesis at the same rent(or at an increased rent if the rent is increased in accordance with the Residentials Tenancies act 1987) but otherwise under the same terms unless or until the agreement is ended in accordance with the Residential Tenancies Act 1987.
(cross out if there is not going to be a bond.)
a rental bond of $......................... must be paid by the tenant to the landlord or the landlords agent on or before signing this agreement
........................................people you would prefer to use...............................
(the tenant is able to carry out urgent repairs to the amount of $500 after contacting the landlord)
..............landlords signature...............
in the presence of witness....................
..................signature of witness...................
...............tenants signature.................
in the presence of of witness..................
.............signature of witness...............
(make as many different lines for each tenant even if not payin rent)
the tenan acknowledges that at, or before the time of signing this residential tenancy agreement the tenant was given a copy of "the renting guide:your rights and responsibilities as a tenant or landlord"
...............................signature of tenant........................................
attached to that agreement should be the condition report. the max bond u can take is 4 weeks rent (unfurnished) 6 weeks rent (furnished if rent is $250 a week or less) or unlimited (furnished is premesis is more trhan $250 a week) by law you also need to give them a copy of the renting guide.
hope that helps.