Red Green Colourblindness and the Military, Police, etc. (1 Viewer)


New Member
Mar 17, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Hi, I'm Michael, I'm 17.
I'm red green colourblind. I've found out that this means I can't be general infantry (normal soldier) in the Australian army along with the vast majority of specialty roles (such as electrician, engineer, etc). This also probably means that I most likely wont be able to join the police, seeing as they only accept a certain level of colourblindness and, even though I don't know what it is, I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail the majority of the ishihara tests. The only other "normal" job that I can think of that I would like to do is a fire fighter but that has the same deal.

Other then that, I can't really think of a "normal" job I want to do for the rest of my life. I wouldn't mind working in a cafe, restaurant, club or concert hall but for no more then 4 years. I'm thinking about searching for military or police roles abroad (New Zealand, the UK or Canada) as I've found they usually aren't as strict but they all require you to become citizens BEFORE applying to any of these positions, and that's a lot of time and money to invest in something when I could later find out that I can't do the job for whatever reason.

I need advice.


Resident Apologetic
Mar 18, 2008
Within the interwebz
Hi Michael.

What is it about those roles that draw you to them?

Perhaps it would be a good idea to start with why you would want to do those roles, and then from there decipher what sort of aspects from those jobs you can incorporate to future career aspects.

So basically why do you want to be a cop/infantry/fire fighter?

Also it would be worthwhile to get some testing done.
When you're there you could ask the person conducting the tests about what sort of roles you could be able to apply for.
I'm sure they would be able to help you out as they probably have those questions asked often.

Hope that helps.


real human bean
Nov 17, 2007
Make sure you fully explore those options before you rule them out because of colour blindness. I have a mate who's is a lighting designer for theatre, and he's colour blind. Many roles you think would need it, you can actually get by without.


Oct 21, 2008
This is a bit old, but meh.

You don't need to be a British citizen to join the British Army, and you can join the British Army as an infantryman even if you are CP3 and maybe CP4 if I remember correctly (same for RM Commandos). There are Australians who are currently serving now in British infantry battalions now who aren't British citizens. Hell, 10% of the British Army are from the Commonwealth with Fijians, South Africans, Jamaicans, and all. The Parachute Regiment is also always recruiting, so it isn't like the ADF where you have to wait for rifleman positions to open up if you want to go infantry (I've been told that it is not wise to join infantry and that it isn't at all glorious, it's better instead to get a skill in the Army I have been told, but meh, your life). If you want to join the RM Commandos, you need to have stayed in the UK for 5 years, though this can be waivered. Problem is, defence cuts are taking effect and battalions are getting rid of or amalgamated with others; people are losing jobs in the British Army. I wouldn't join the British Army now. I'll wait for it to calm down a bit and then join. All the best in what ever you want to do. I understand why you want to do it, mate. I feel the same. Then again you could always join the French Foreign Legion if it all goes to hell and you have no other choice, but not many people recommend to do this (also the French don't know how to fire and manoeuvre)!

Here's the proof at 1.10-


They still got the awesome FELIN system though.

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