I've worked at The Reject Shop in Warrawong since last August and in the tearoom, the list of pay rates is up on the wall. I have a tendancy to read it when I'm on my break. Haha.
The casual rate is around $10, because it's above the award rate and caters for the loss of sick leave and annual leave and all the entitlements that the full time and part time employees recieve. However, if you're full time or part time, the rate is dropped to around $8, as you get all the sick leave and those entitlements.
I had a interview in the office with the manager, which has changed about three times already. I was nervous and all, but he decided to give me a go. I must admit, when you first start, it's daunting when you're on the registers and I did become close to getting fired because I'd keep making mistakes, all due to being on main register and still getting used to it.
I'm on second and third register more now, which I prefer. I like working stock and doing recovery and the majority of the people I work with are awesome