im going on the 8th december cruise with my bf. We weren't dating when i booked it, then when we started going out i was like noooo. But someone pulled out so now he's in! and thats exactly wat i to share it together!
My bf is at moment just 2 yrs older .... he wanted to come to schoolies to spend time together (as iam leaving australia next feb) but i told him might not be a gd idea. we are really close and trust each other. We have talked about what is acceptable n shit and came up with kissing/hugging ppl is fine (not mean anything) but nothing more.. DEFF no sleeping together or anything. So what we have done is talked about schoolies and we both know what it is like and what can happen. Iam going to the Gold Coast and he will probably come down for 2 days or so.
We are both happy with this outcome.