Religious affiliation (3 Viewers)

Which faith/religious tradition do you currently practice?

  • Christianity

    Votes: 538 38.0%
  • Judaism

    Votes: 34 2.4%
  • Islam

    Votes: 168 11.9%
  • Buddhism

    Votes: 56 4.0%
  • Hinduism

    Votes: 31 2.2%
  • Other (please specify)

    Votes: 94 6.6%
  • None - I'm not religious.

    Votes: 493 34.9%

  • Total voters
Aug 22, 2005
ogmzergrush said:
Sort of like saying "I used to be retarded, but I swear I'm better now!" You're not fooling anybody, we all saw you licking that window.
bah! lmao...

on another note,

I'm nothing. how sad. We need a cool name instead of Atheist...thats, would you rather tell people
"I'm an Atheist"
or "I'm a Zoroastrian"


Aug 17, 2006
Coptic Orthodox. The church of Martrys, since we were persecuted by nearly everyone for our faith.

Oh, and a little question to the muslim members of the forums, why do muslims in egypt persecute the copts despite the fact that they do nothing harmful, nor do they do anything negative at all?


Active Member
Aug 8, 2005
S1M0 said:
Oh, and a little question to the muslim members of the forums, why do muslims in egypt persecute the copts despite the fact that they do nothing harmful, nor do they do anything negative at all?
Because the Muslim religion and anyhting muslims do or say is a load of crap? Take their religion for instance:

How can you even begin to claim that you recognize the teachings of prophets like Moses, Jesus etc. when you ignore every single message that they had? How is it that a muslim is "permitted" to have four wives, commit rape, murder or believe there is no god but god even though god is a holy trinity?

The very symbol of Islam, the occassion on which the so called "prophet" Mohammed "split the moon" was never recorded by any other stargazing civilization other than the Islamic text - it does however bear remarkable simularity to the peagan beliefs of the arab tribes in the supreme "moon god."

Therefore the Islamic god or "allah" =/= the god of the old and new testament, and is nothing more than a development of the peagan beliefs and wild imaginations of arab tribesmen to try and legitimate their beliefs in psuedo synthesis with the two abrahamic religions.


Aug 17, 2006
bshoc said:
Because the Muslim religion and anyhting muslims do or say is a load of crap? Take their religion for instance:

How can you even begin to claim that you recognize the teachings of prophets like Moses, Jesus etc. when you ignore every single message that they had? How is it that a muslim is "permitted" to have four wives, commit rape, murder or believe there is no god but god even though god is a holy trinity?

The very symbol of Islam, the occassion on which the so called "prophet" Mohammed "split the moon" was never recorded by any other stargazing civilization other than the Islamic text - it does however bear remarkable simularity to the peagan beliefs of the arab tribes in the supreme "moon god."

Therefore the Islamic god or "allah" =/= the god of the old and new testament, and is nothing more than a development of the peagan beliefs and wild imaginations of arab tribesmen to try and legitimate their beliefs in psuedo synthesis with the two abrahamic religions.
Yeah, i've heard that Islam in fact contradicts itself but i've never had it explained in detail to me. Those muslims invade us, destroy our churches and kill us for no reason at all, despite the fact that we're true christians...

Thanks for supporting my view..or whatever.


New Member
May 12, 2006
S1M0 said:
Yeah, i've heard that Islam in fact contradicts itself but i've never had it explained in detail to me. Those muslims invade us, destroy our churches and kill us for no reason at all, despite the fact that we're true christians...

Thanks for supporting my view..or whatever.
Nah Islam doesnt really contradict itself maybe the quran does but the bible does too, i think Islam is a pretty misunderstood religion. you are coptic orthodox yea?... my friend is a coptic too and as far as i know from her coptics and muslims in egypt get along fine 99% of the time. i think the government in egypt is great in trying to stay neutral between the two religion and most of the time help coptics from the muslims.

It is sad that copts get persucuted nearly in every era, even by the byzantine eastern roman empire, persuecuted by christians themselves.


Active Member
Oct 30, 2005
Under The Tree
i'm surprised to see so many christians. without wanting to cause any offence, many people who say they're christian make little effort to live by the bible and the ten commandments. and many people who say they're christian only do so because they live in a christian family. though, many, of course, try to live and practise their faith to the best of their ability. i just expected less votes for christianity and others because ALOT of people in the world only passively follow their religion and have no true understanding of it, because in the west, religion does not play a large role in society.


New Member
May 12, 2006
bshoc said:
Because the Muslim religion and anyhting muslims do or say is a load of crap? Take their religion for instance:

How can you even begin to claim that you recognize the teachings of prophets like Moses, Jesus etc. when you ignore every single message that they had? How is it that a muslim is "permitted" to have four wives, commit rape, murder or believe there is no god but god even though god is a holy trinity?

The very symbol of Islam, the occassion on which the so called "prophet" Mohammed "split the moon" was never recorded by any other stargazing civilization other than the Islamic text - it does however bear remarkable simularity to the peagan beliefs of the arab tribes in the supreme "moon god."

Therefore the Islamic god or "allah" =/= the god of the old and new testament, and is nothing more than a development of the peagan beliefs and wild imaginations of arab tribesmen to try and legitimate their beliefs in psuedo synthesis with the two abrahamic religions.
Because the Muslim religion and anyhting muslims do or say is a load of crap?

If you would like to assume that the islamic faith is a load of crap then it is safe to assume every faith is a load of crap

How is it that a muslim is "permitted" to have four wives, commit rape, murder or believe there is no god but god even though god is a holy trinity?

Muslims are not permitted to rape or murder, how did you get that idea? They reject God being a trinity because they see it as three gods. They see christian concept of the trinity is blasphemy because their perception is that christians worship three gods. If you think that Muslims do not believe in the same god as christians and jews because they do not believe in the trinity, it is like saying jews do not worship the same god as christians do because they do not believe in the holy trinity

Therefore the Islamic god or "allah" =/= the god of the old and new testament, and is nothing more than a development of the peagan beliefs and wild imaginations of arab tribesmen to try and legitimate their beliefs in psuedo synthesis with the two abrahamic religions.

i suggest you read this post from another thread

<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;"> Originally Posted by bekstah
if u look into the history of Islam, Allah was named after an idol (statue)
this is your god?

</td> </tr> </tbody></table>
i see you've been reading the biased works of Dr. Robert Morey

here's a slight explanation as to the communal origins of words relating to the name of God in the three religions
"Lately, some accusations have been spread, which claimed that the crescent is a “holy symbol” of Islam and that it is originally a pagan symbol. The Christian apologist, Dr. Robert Morey, has spread the argument that the pre-Islamic Semitic world was the home to widespread worship of a moon god or goddess named "Allah". The problem with this kind of speculations, about pre-Islamic deities from the Semitic world, as in this case, is the fact that any inscription prior to the advent of Islam is also prior to the introduction of diacritical marks in the Semitic languages.

Why is this a problem? Well, if one claims to have found evidence of a moon god named "Allah" in Palestine, Syria, or Lebanon, this claim applies to the respective deities of both Christianity and Islam. One of the basic Hebrew words for God, Eloh, can easily be pronounced alah without the diacritical marks. Not surprisingly, the Aramaic word for God is alah! This word, in the standard script or the Estrangela script is spelled alap-lamad-heh (ALH), which are the exactly corresponding letters to the Hebrew eloh. The Arabic word for God, Allah, is spelled in a very similar way. It is even related to the more generic word for deity, ilah.

We notice here the obvious linguistic and etymological connections between the respective words for God, in these closely related Semitic languages. We have, as clear examples: Allah, Alah, and Eloh being related to ilah, Eel, and El, respectively. So, if the tri-theists (or the Trinitarians) want to claim that Allah/Alah was the name of a tribal moon god, and that worship of such a deity is a gross pagan practice, they should not trust their Bible for including this deity in its text! Nor should they believe in Jesus’ calling on this very deity, while on the cross (as per the Biblical account).

I think she/he explain that very well, if you want to call allah the imagination of pagan origins it can be argue that the trinity is also of pagan origin? alot of pagans gods before the birth of jesus worshiping a god group in three is common, take for example the egyptians

Isis-Mother.Often shown with wings like an angel

infact some pagan elements have invaded christianity

and im from the baha'i faith and are encourage by my parents to study all major religions....
Last edited:


Feb 25, 2006
i'm surprised to see so many christians. without wanting to cause any offence, many people who say they're christian make little effort to live by the bible and the ten commandments.
I think this is true in all faiths (except maybe atheism). You get the real jews and the phoney jews the commited muslims and the half hearted muslims the dedicated Hindus and the liberal its all religions this happens to.

I was however suprised at the number of christians .. thought it would be less and then the amount of muslims , thought that would be less aswell.

There is no god. It is ridiculously egotistical to believe that if there was "God"
Not really consider this logic ...
1) Everything that has been made has a maker houses for example dont appear they are made by men or women. There has to be a supreme maker for all the things that have been made
2) Statistically it is more likely that an intelegent being or God created the earth (1:2) then the process of say evolution (1: i dont kno whow much) In fact scientists have agreed it is more likely that a library could explode and the pages fall to form the oxford dictionary then for evolution to occur.
3) there is no way you could ever prove God right or wrong nor could you prove evolution right or wrong .. tommorow I could find a piece iof eidence that would turn knowledge as we know it on its head. In other words there is no such thing as an infallible truth so anything is possible. The part were belief comes in is simply faith

now that is something Im sure christians muslims and jews would all agree with (dont know about other faiths lol)


Feb 19, 2006
Religion...hmmm, to post or not to post. Bugger it. Despite what people may believe I'm a deeply spiritual person, but not religious, as I don't believe in any one god or pantheon. My own spirituality is not exactly easy to explain, but it runs along the lines of finding that inner peace (no, I have not found enlightenment...yet). In case you are wondering, I actually have no real gripe with any common religion, as most share a common rule that I like: "Be nice to others".


New Member
May 25, 2006
Asking the reason why people adhere to a set of beliefs is like arming a timed explosive. Somewhere down the line you can bet intolerance will rear its head, especially in these times. But I'll indulge in this one anyway.

I chose 'other' in the poll because I see myself as an agnostic. What that means, just in case people don't know, is that I'm not willing to come to a final conclusion on any deity or lack thereof. I'm always willing to discuss theology with people, but at the end of the day, I find nothing I see (personally) as sufficient evidence to believe in a God (within a monotheistic structure or otherwise), and at the same time I'm not willing to discount that there may be some spiritual aspects to this reality.

Well that's me. Irritatingly open-minded.


Nov 22, 2004
Darling It Hurts!
freaking_out said:
I'm a muslim- and i'm a muslim, bcoz i like the fact how islam calls to the submission to one god, the most perfect, with no flaws. Also because it reaffirms the message of all the prophets that came before (eg. abraham, moses, jesus etc.).
Everything has flaws...a reason why I am a humanist

^CoSMic DoRiS^^

makes the woosh noises
Jan 13, 2005
middle of nowhere
well i've been brought up in a christian family, but none of us excepting perhaps dad are actually that religious. I believe there is definitely a spiritual element to this world we live in, that we do all go somewhere after we die, and to a certain extent, that there is a God...but not exactly in the sense that christianity would portray it. i tend to identify as christian to save having to actually explain my exact beliefs, which would take a while. but it would be more accurate to say that i believe in God and certain elements of christianity but that a lot of my 'faith' is based in something else entirely.

mr EaZy

Active Member
May 28, 2004
punchbowl bro- its the best place to live !
S1M0 said:
Oh, and a little question to the muslim members of the forums, why do muslims in egypt persecute the copts despite the fact that they do nothing harmful, nor do they do anything negative at all?
I cant speak for egyptians- and i cant defend injustice no matter who commits them.

I get a lot of skepticism from the coptic community here in sydney. Dont know where it comes from; i had a friend (egyptian) (anglican), his dad's a minister, best mate i had in class, i wasnt surprised that he wasnt coptic- because i met one the year earlier. I also had non muslim friends who initially had strange views of islam- i told them the worst place to get info on islam is a christian from the middle east- they have this grudge thing- but even so jesus never allowed that to be an excuse to tell lies- nevertheless i set things straight- and they all saw islam differently then.

there's a rift between coptics and muslims which i dont get. Now if muslims are persecuting coptics in egypt- then its totally wrong- we as muslims must condemn the act of persectuion whoever does it and no matter whom it is done to.

1) now if there was much persecution of coptics, then there probably wouldnt be any coptics in egypt or the the islamic world after 1300 years of "islamic" or "muslim" rule

2) the egyptian government oppresses muslims as well- they have been criticised by the Al-azhar university for this

3) Coptics will harrass and terrorise coptic priests and laypersons who convert to islam:
the site was giving the bio of christian priests/preachers/clergy who converted to islam

4) for the other missionaries who converted over the years.

5) Jeffery lang: maths professor in the US, former athiest

6) the quran doesnt contradict itself.

7) debate islam with muslims who know what islam is, or a muslim scholar, not amongst yourselves- apart from this post, i didnt see any muslim poster in the last 5 pages, we've all left in recent times.... reasons withheld


Individui Superiore
Nov 29, 2005
Im born in a christian family i think- but what does it matter?

I dont know wat religion i am- theres a limited time on this earth and u gotta make the most of ur life. Enjoyment. Not dedicating or 'submitting' to sumthin uve never seen or had proven. Wats the point of it? Who cares?

Why restrict the way u live. Sure up hold decency and a set of moral to ur family and the community but u dont have to go all soft and start worshipping dieties and stuff. I mean these prophets and stuff are anceint history. They lived thousands of yrs ago, who cares bout wat they did or said.

I know sum ppl are just gonna get up on their high horse and bring out all this technical bullshit- i dont care. Be happy and be nice to ur neighbours. Its sad to think that there are extrmists from ALL religions (not just islam) that take it way to far and cause wars and shit.

Im not tryin to offend any1 or anythin but there my beliefs and i respect religion but not ppl that take it to the extrmes- ie make it a lifestyle and stuff. Most of us here are teenagers and early adults- enjoy life without worry about where ur goin when ur dieing. There may well be sumthin out there or THERE IS the chance that there's not- i had ppl that deny that.

I reckon faith is just the ability to believe without proof. The only thing i will empthasise is that if u r enjoying life through living the lifestyle that ur religion brings then that is gud. But if ur not and all worried about if i dont beleive then ill go hell or sumthin, then there really is no point believing.

Everyone to there own ey. Sunday mornings for me means hitting the surf; honestly when the waves are a clean 4-5 ft and theres barely any1 out but u and ur mates. That is the ultimate spiritual enlightment lol.

I hope no one was offenedde by view- any way peace out.

mr EaZy

Active Member
May 28, 2004
punchbowl bro- its the best place to live !
bshoc said:
Because the Muslim religion and anyhting muslims do or say is a load of crap? Take their religion for instance:

How can you even begin to claim that you recognize the teachings of prophets like Moses, Jesus etc. when you ignore every single message that they had? How is it that a muslim is "permitted" to have four wives, commit rape, murder or believe there is no god but god even though god is a holy trinity?

The very symbol of Islam, the occassion on which the so called "prophet" Mohammed "split the moon" was never recorded by any other stargazing civilization other than the Islamic text - it does however bear remarkable simularity to the peagan beliefs of the arab tribes in the supreme "moon god."

Therefore the Islamic god or "allah" =/= the god of the old and new testament, and is nothing more than a development of the peagan beliefs and wild imaginations of arab tribesmen to try and legitimate their beliefs in psuedo synthesis with the two abrahamic religions.

this is unbelieveble, you were having a discussion with a christian like yourself with no muslims around on these forums at the time, and making false statements on islam; left right and centre- i dont even know where to begin...

as for islamic teachings being incompatible with christian teachings, lol go to the "does god exist" thread where we proved that islam answers the OT better than the NT does with regards to some verses there. and btw, trinity was never the message of the old testament= christian scholars accept that by saying that it wasn't necessary and that the idea of God being one- exists in christianity but in the form of a trinity- this is the christian view.


Aug 17, 2006
mr EaZy said:
I cant speak for egyptians- and i cant defend injustice no matter who commits them.

I get a lot of skepticism from the coptic community here in sydney. Dont know where it comes from; i had a friend (egyptian) (anglican), his dad's a minister, best mate i had in class, i wasnt surprised that he wasnt coptic- because i met one the year earlier. I also had non muslim friends who initially had strange views of islam- i told them the worst place to get info on islam is a christian from the middle east- they have this grudge thing- but even so jesus never allowed that to be an excuse to tell lies- nevertheless i set things straight- and they all saw islam differently then.

there's a rift between coptics and muslims which i dont get. Now if muslims are persecuting coptics in egypt- then its totally wrong- we as muslims must condemn the act of persectuion whoever does it and no matter whom it is done to.

1) now if there was much persecution of coptics, then there probably wouldnt be any coptics in egypt or the the islamic world after 1300 years of "islamic" or "muslim" rule

2) the egyptian government oppresses muslims as well- they have been criticised by the Al-azhar university for this

3) Coptics will harrass and terrorise coptic priests and laypersons who convert to islam:
the site was giving the bio of christian priests/preachers/clergy who converted to islam

4) for the other missionaries who converted over the years.

5) Jeffery lang: maths professor in the US, former athiest

6) the quran doesnt contradict itself.

7) debate islam with muslims who know what islam is, or a muslim scholar, not amongst yourselves- apart from this post, i didnt see any muslim poster in the last 5 pages, we've all left in recent times.... reasons withheld
1. There is. Ever heard of the jizya?

2. They oppress muslims that would overtake the government. They also oppress copts, via the biased courts and the fact that extrememly, extremely few copts are in the parliament, and those that do have absalutely no say in the government.

3. They were kidnapped and forced to convert to islam. No coptic priest would EVER convert to islam. peroid.

mr EaZy

Active Member
May 28, 2004
punchbowl bro- its the best place to live !
S1M0 said:
1. There is. Ever heard of the jizya?

2. They oppress muslims that would overtake the government. They also oppress copts, via the biased courts and the fact that extrememly, extremely few copts are in the parliament, and those that do have absalutely no say in the government.

3. They were kidnapped and forced to convert to islam. No coptic priest would EVER convert to islam. peroid.
1)amazing, what is jizya to you? is it just a tax? i didnt know that egypt still charges that and i cant speak for them

2) muslims pay their own tax; non-muslim dhimmis pay jizyah - that money goes to them, and is used to maintain their churches and courts - had the muslims wanted to get rid of copts- they would have done so long time ago

3) it was the copts who invited the arabs to defeat the romans- i last read this many years ago, so ill leave it at that.

4) Christians who pay jizyah are excused from warfare if the muslim state is under attack

5) christians who pay the jizya come under the protection off the muslim state- in other words its now All for one. The USA paid a north african country jizya to help protect its ships in the medditteranean- george washington oversaw that deal

B) in other words you admit that the egyptian govt doesnt represent islam, and so your posts regarding islam in egypt have no place here

They were kidnapped and forced to convert to islam. No coptic priest would EVER convert to islam. peroid
would you like to me bring you one? Extremist thinking is usually easy to disprove if its false. if its true then its truth will remain forever.

Anyone who is FORCED to convert to islam has a right to revert to their old religion no questions asked


Jul 8, 2006
the void
im agnostic with leanings towards CoS and id rather people who HAVENT read the CoS religious texts to stfu.


Aug 17, 2006
mr EaZy said:
1)amazing, what is jizya to you? is it just a tax? i didnt know that egypt still charges that and i cant speak for them

2) muslims pay their own tax; non-muslim dhimmis pay jizyah - that money goes to them, and is used to maintain their churches and courts - had the muslims wanted to get rid of copts- they would have done so long time ago

3) it was the copts who invited the arabs to defeat the romans- i last read this many years ago, so ill leave it at that.

4) Christians who pay jizyah are excused from warfare if the muslim state is under attack

5) christians who pay the jizya come under the protection off the muslim state- in other words its now All for one. The USA paid a north african country jizya to help protect its ships in the medditteranean- george washington oversaw that deal

B) in other words you admit that the egyptian govt doesnt represent islam, and so your posts regarding islam in egypt have no place here


would you like to me bring you one? Extremist thinking is usually easy to disprove if its false. if its true then its truth will remain forever.

Anyone who is FORCED to convert to islam has a right to revert to their old religion no questions asked
What you say may be true, then again it may be false. I dont know.

I merely say what i'm saying based on what my family experiences in Egypt. But then again explain why copts were presented with 3 choices:

  1. Pay the Jizya
  2. Convert to Islam
  3. Death by the sword
It happened, why would they say otherwise? If they were treated well, why would they have feelings of hatred and feelings of being discriminated against towards the muslims? Why is it that people boycott their shops, beat them, KILL them, burn their crops and stone their Churches? Why is that?

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