I cant speak for egyptians- and i cant defend injustice no matter who commits them.
I get a lot of skepticism from the coptic community here in sydney. Dont know where it comes from; i had a friend (egyptian) (anglican), his dad's a minister, best mate i had in class, i wasnt surprised that he wasnt coptic- because i met one the year earlier. I also had non muslim friends who initially had strange views of islam- i told them the worst place to get info on islam is a christian from the middle east- they have this grudge thing- but even so jesus never allowed that to be an excuse to tell lies- nevertheless i set things straight- and they all saw islam differently then.
there's a rift between coptics and muslims which i dont get. Now if muslims are persecuting coptics in egypt- then its totally wrong- we as muslims must condemn the act of persectuion whoever does it and no matter whom it is done to.
1) now if there was much persecution of coptics, then there probably wouldnt be any coptics in egypt or the the islamic world after 1300 years of "islamic" or "muslim" rule
2) the egyptian government oppresses muslims as well- they have been criticised by the Al-azhar university for this
3) Coptics will harrass and terrorise coptic priests and laypersons who convert to islam:
the site was giving the bio of christian priests/preachers/clergy who converted to islam
http://thetruereligion.org/modules/xfsection/index.php?category=1 for the other missionaries who converted over the years.
5) Jeffery lang: maths professor in the US, former athiest
6) the quran doesnt contradict itself.
7) debate islam with muslims who know what islam is, or a muslim scholar, not amongst yourselves- apart from this post, i didnt see any muslim poster in the last 5 pages, we've all left in recent times.... reasons withheld