I am a christian, and i am a virgin. I personally think that it depends alot on what denomination you identify yourself with, ie. the denomination of the church you attend, if you do indeed attend a church, as to what the basis of the morals the church has told u to believe and if they place more weighting upon some then on others.
Personally, i find the Bible gives me some good moral GUIDELINES, with which i can then base my morals off and around. I think that Islam has some good moral values, that the Humanist Manifesto outlines some decent things which i cant call wrong, and that there are other things in this world which can dictate our morals.
I was raised in a christian home and have gone ot church all my life. A number of years ago i made the actual step from being a born christian to a born-again christian, after i had thought about the immediate things involved and if i agree with them. I dont have to go to church anymore, i choose to. I dont have to be a christian anymore, but i choose to, because it makes sense to me. I dont care if it doesnt make sense to alot of you out there, it's called a difference of opinion, and from my studies of the bible and the teachings i receive at church and other documents and people that i have read and talked to, it just makes sense to me.
I have a girlfriend, and we have been together for over 20months. Both her and I are christians, both her and I are virgins, and both her and I agree that we should save our virginity until after we have been united with each other in marriage. Why? Because it makes sense to us. It would be too hard to let go if we were to break up, something or someone was to come between us, or indeed, if one of us kicked the bucket.
I can list off some bible verses and my interpretations, but most of you people wont give a damn and i will only receive critisism for my beliefs, so i will say this:
- To you who started this, i believe that sex is a sacred act of a physical, mental, and spiritual connection, and should only be performed with marriage. I believe that you should go however far you want to above the waist, but that doing things below the waist is too much of a temptation to go on to other things.
- To the rest of you, believe what makes sense to you. To all the atheists out there, i would recommend you take a look at the Humanist Manifesto, probably version 3 as it's the most simplified version, and consider becoming a humanist. They have some decent values and 'beliefs' that you'll probably agree with. Dont have to listen, just a suggestion.
- I do believe in evolutionary adaption, though not in the Dawinian theory evolution, ie. apes turning into man or anything. The whole thing just doesnt match up in my mind. I know alot of you will say that about religion, but i have my own experiences that affirm my christian beliefs in my mind.
- As for the evidence of everything, well...it is hard to prove the miracles and outworkings of a religion based upon faith. Yes, parts of the bible have been historically proven, but what about the miracles? Most of it is judged by personal experience, and such, so unless you've been through a big healing experience or some such thing, or had a revelation or something of the sort, it is hard to prove. So, to the christians who believe, stay strong. To the non-christians, good luck with life.
Thank you, and good day to you all.