hey guys i just want to know if i can still get an ATAR of 85 with my first set of assesment marks ?
I honestly have put no effort into this term at all, no way near as much as i should be ( <1 hour ever 2-3 days, and a bit of cramming b4 test's ) but will catch up on everything needed these holidays, anyway ...
-2u maths
-stand english
-ext his
2u maths: have done 2 assesments (8% weighing each) and got 94% then 88% - out of all the 2u students only (not inc 3u) im ranking 2nd in course (3 classes of 2u students)
stand english : 20% weighing english speech and got 15/20 - ranking 1st in class but nfi rest of course (my class is pretty downy tho)
Bio: 25% weighing assignment on enzymes - so far 7/10(one more section needs to be marked) dont know what i will be /15 but majority or class is 8.5 + so far
Pdhpe : 10% weighing test - got 14/20 ranking 15/50 i think
Ancient : 14/25 - was 15% weighing but i am way below average (rank wise)
ext hist : a 5% weighing proposal and got 2/5
(did morning b4 it was due)
so yea in general if i make a good study pattern and keep consistent can i still get an atar of 85 + ? thanks heaps
btw i go to Pennant Hills high school incase it has anything to do with end result ? it came 166/412 this year im pre sure
I honestly have put no effort into this term at all, no way near as much as i should be ( <1 hour ever 2-3 days, and a bit of cramming b4 test's ) but will catch up on everything needed these holidays, anyway ...
-2u maths
-stand english
-ext his
2u maths: have done 2 assesments (8% weighing each) and got 94% then 88% - out of all the 2u students only (not inc 3u) im ranking 2nd in course (3 classes of 2u students)
stand english : 20% weighing english speech and got 15/20 - ranking 1st in class but nfi rest of course (my class is pretty downy tho)
Bio: 25% weighing assignment on enzymes - so far 7/10(one more section needs to be marked) dont know what i will be /15 but majority or class is 8.5 + so far
Pdhpe : 10% weighing test - got 14/20 ranking 15/50 i think
Ancient : 14/25 - was 15% weighing but i am way below average (rank wise)
ext hist : a 5% weighing proposal and got 2/5
so yea in general if i make a good study pattern and keep consistent can i still get an atar of 85 + ? thanks heaps
btw i go to Pennant Hills high school incase it has anything to do with end result ? it came 166/412 this year im pre sure
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