"I was planning to move schools since I hate my cohort but I guess I can put up with them for 2 years if I get my courses, achieve the atar aim and get out."
1)Just one simple word of advice-try to appreciate your cohort-they may not be the brightest academically, but they will be the ones helping you to get the final external HSC mark as it is a cohort effort-not an individual effort. And when you get your course, attempt to enjoy the process of learning rather than just blindly aiming for high marks-because at the conclusion of year 12-you will remember the friendships and excursions and cohort gatherings much more than you remember the fact you came first in a subject, for example-they will be more lasting. Try to not have such a bleak outlook of 'achieve atar aim and get out"-try to enjoy your last two years-when you enjoy the journey, you will not only excel when you get to your destination but you will also become a much more well-rounded individual as well
"I think i can pull a decent 12/15 (not jinxing it or anything haha)"
1)Aim higher-you are about to start year 11-so don't put your aim so low, try to aim for a band 6 mark, don't say "I think" say "I will pull this decent mark, but I will improve on it once I achieve that mark-you have to believe in yourself and consistently refine your English skills and appreciation to maximise your potential and ATAR-don't limit yourself to a certain mark, imagine the possibilities by achieving your personal best-every single time-and improving upon your own previous performances by evaluating upon your past mistakes
2)One last word of advice-the fact that your school is not very strong at English means you need to work even harder in English to push yourself up. The good news is that English is a subject that has to be practiced, what teachers can teach you is actually very little, it actually depends on yourself-if you are willing to seek help, to seek feedback consistently by doing practice essays and creative TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY EVERY SINGLE TIME and you repeat this process countless times-anything is possible within a two year timeframe-set yourself short term and long term goals and aim for much higher-because I have faith you can maximise your potential and achieve that ATAR and get into university course you desire-You haven't even started the marathon and you are already putting in negative self talk- come on-re-energise yourself in the upcoming holidays and focus on trying your best-anything is possible if you are willing to make it possible through sheer hard work, determination and optimism. Best wishes for the future two years

(never give up
