I have read a bit of Nicholas Sparks - A Walk to Remember I must admit.
And recently (though I hate to admit it) read Twilight and that is incredibly sappy sad teen romance. If you are that way inclined it fits the bill perfectly.
Blehck Twilight.
I have to agree with AWTR though, and the movie was BEAUTIFUL.
Good romance novelists also include-
Olivia Goldsmith
Georgina Newberry (although she is a bit more fashion orientated)
Penny Vincenzi
I'm not the hugest fan of romance, and some parts in these books are slightly on the questionable side. But heck, who can resists lines like "I travelled half the way across the world to find love, and I found it, right here, right where you are, right where I am meant to be". So trashy, but darn it makes you