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Rome Past Paper Questions (1 Viewer)


is hating uni & study
May 29, 2003
on the dance floor with a bottle of tequila
Guys, I've decided to merge all the past paper question threads into one. So in this thread there will be Personality, Society and Period questions on Rome. Please feel free to add ones that you have :)

Scipio Africanus
a) Outline the social position of Scipio Africanus (5)
b) Explain why there was opposition to the Scipios in Rome (10)
c) With reference to sources, assess the achievements of Scipio Africanus (10)

a) Briefly describe Scipio’s rise to prominence (5)
b) Explain the methods that Scipio Africanus used to defeat the Carthaginians (10)
c) With reference to sources assess the strength and weaknesses of Scipio (10)

Julius Caesar
a) Briefly describe Caesar’s education as a patrician (5)
b) Explain the importance of Caesar’s dictatorship (10)
c) With reference to sources, assess the strengths and weaknesses of Caesar’s character (10)

Agrippina II
a) Briefly describe Agrippina’s education as a Roman woman (5)
b) Explain Agrippina’s relationship with Seneca and Burrus (10)
c) With reference to sources, assess the strengths and weaknesses of Agrippina’s character (10)

Roman Society in the time of Cicero
a) Name TWO foods eaten by the Romans in this period (2)
b) What is meant by the term patron in Roman society? (2)
c) Describe the main features of Roman military organisations (5)
d) Outline Roman religious practices in this period (6)
e) Explain the importance of the Forum in Roman economic life (10)

Society in Rome from Augustus Titus
a) Name TWO important imperial women during this time (2)
b) What is meant by the term princeps? (2)
c) Describe the Roman marriage customs of this period (5)
d) Outline the role of freedmen in this period (6)
e) Explain the importance of imperial building programs during this time (10)

a) Name TWO major public buildings in Rome at this time (2)
b) List TWO roles of the Roman Army (2)
c) Describe the main features of Roman education at the time (5)
d) Outline Roman funerary and burial practices at the time (6)
e) Explain the social structure of Roman society (10)

a) Name TWO classes in the Roman social structure at this time (2)
b) What was the Forum (2)
c) Describe the features of ONE Roman rite of passage (5)
d) Outline the importance of leisure activities in this period (6)
e) Explain Roman religious practices in this period (10)

Roman Society in the Fourth Century AD
a) Name TWO imperial provinces during this period (2)
b) What is meant by the dominate (2)
c) Describe the main features of imperial bureaucracy at this time (5)
d) Outline the roles of the Christian clergy and their influence during this period (6)
e) Explain the importance of Constantinople in this time (10)

a) Name TWO leisure activities in this period (2)
b) What is meant by polytheistic practices? (2)
c) Describe the main features of ONE imperial building at this time (5)
d) Outline the role of women at this time (6)
e) Explain the development of the Christian Empire in the 4th Century AD

Additional Societies
Roman Society in the time of Cicero
a) Explain the functions of the Roman Forum and its significance in Roman Society during the time of Cicero (25)
b) Explain what relevant evidence reveals about people’s everyday lives in Roman society in the time of Cicero (25)

a) Explain the main features of social relationships in the time of Cicero (25)
b) Explain what relevant evidence reveals about art and architecture in Roman society in the time of Cicero (25)

Society in Rome from Augustus to Titus
a) Explain the functions of the Roman Fora and their significance in Roman society during this time (25)
b) Explain what relevant evidence reveals about people’s everyday lives in Roman society from Augustus to Titus (25)

a) Explain the growth of imperial bureaucracy and its significance in Roman society in the fourth century AD (25)
b) Explain what relevant evidence reveals about people’s everyday lives in Roman society in the 4th century AD

a) Explain the main features of the Roman economy and its significance in this period (25)
b) Explain what relevant evidence reveals about art and architecture in the early empire (25)

Roman Society in the 4th Century AD
a) Explain the main features of the Roman economy and its significance in the 4th century AD (25)
b) Explain what relevant evidence reveals about art and architecture in this period (25)

Rome’s Wars of Expansion 264 – 133BC
a) Explain the role of Hanniball in the causes and course of the Second Punic War (218-202BC) (25)
b) Explain Rome’s organisation and management of its empire during this period (25)

a) Account for Rome’s victory in the First Punic War (264-241BC) (25)
b) Assess the impact of Rome’s wars of expansion on Roman society during this period (25)

a) Explain the causes and consequences of the First Punic War (25)
b) Explain the impact of Hellenism on the Romans in this period (25)

a) Assess the effectiveness of the Senate in dealing with the development of an empire in this period (25)
b) Evaluate the importance of Hannibal and the Barcid dynasty in this period (25)

Political Revolution in Rome 133 – 78BC
a) Assess the impact of the reform programs of the Gracchi during this period (25)
b) Assess the impact of Marius’ military reforms during this period (25)

a) Explain the significant challenges to the Senate during this period (25)
b) Assess the contributions and impact of Sulla during this period (25)

a) Assess the significance of the Civil War between Marius and Sulla (25)
b) Analyse the impact of slavery and land reform in this period. (25)

a) Assess the significance of the career of Gaius Gracchus (25)
b) Explain the causes and consequences of the Social War in this period (25)

The Fall of the Roman Republic 78-28BC
a) Explain the outbreak of civil war in 49BC (25)
b) Explain the formation and breakdown of the Second Triurnvirate (25)

a) Assess the significance of the career of EITHER Pompey OR Crassus (25)
b) Account for the political violence in Rome during this period (25)

a) Assess the strengths and weaknesses of Pompey’s leadership in this period (25)
b) Assess the role and influence of the Senate in this period (25)

a) Analyse the role of the army and the way it was used for political purposes in this period (25)
b) Account for Octavian’s rise to power in this period (25)

Augustus and the Julio-Claudians
a) Explain how Augustus gained and maintained his constitutional position (25)
b) Explain how the praetorian guard and army were used for political purposes during this period (25)

a) Analyse the powers and position of Augustus as princeps (25)
b) Discuss the impact of the personality of EITHER Tiberius OR Claudius on the development of the pincipate. (25)

a) Explain the decline of the Senate in the period 28BC – 68AD. In your answer you should refer to at least TWO emperors.
b) Assess the frontier policies of the Julio-Claudian emperors. (25)

a) Assess the contributions and impact of EITHER Augustus OR Claudius as princeps
b) Explain the role of EITHER treason trials OR freedmen in the period from Tiberius to Nero (25)

a) Evaluate the success of Augustus in dealing with the problems he faced during his reign (25)
b) Analyse the relationship between Claudius and the Senate in this period (25)

a) Assess the impact of reform programs of Augustus during this period (25)
b) Analyse the changes in administration of the Roman Empire in the Julio-Claudian period (25)

The Roman Empire 29 – 235AD
a) Assess the significance of EITHER Vespasian OR Trajan as a Roman Emperor (25)
b) Explain the role of EITHER treason trials OR the Praetorians and their prefects during this period (25)

a) Explain the importance of the imperial building programs of any TWO emperors in this period. (25)
b) Assess the effectiveness of Roman policy in Britain during this period (25)

The Later Roman Empire 235-410AD
a) Assess the main features of the reign of EITHER Constantius II or Valentinian I (25)
b) Explain the importance of Sassanid Persia to the Roman Empire in this period (25)

a) Account for the breakdown of the Tetrarchy and the accession of Constantine (25)
b) Explain the importance of imperial building programs in Rome and the provinces (25)

more will be coming. :)
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Resident Priss
May 2, 2003
Essays questiosn Rome's Wars of Expansion

Just a collection of Essays questions for the Rome's Wars of Expansion Module

· Explain the role of Hannibal in the causes and course of the 2nd Punic War (218-202BC)

· Explain Rome’s organization and management of its empire during this period

· Account for Tome’s victory in the 1st Punic War (264-241BC)

· Assess the impact of Rome’s wars of expansion on Roman society during this period

· Account for the establishment and development of the Roman empire in this period

· Assess wheater the Romans or Carthaginians were more responsible for the outbreak of the 2nd Punic War

· Account for Hannibal’s defeat in the 2nd Punic War

· Explain the early success of Hannibal in the 2nd Punic War

· Assess the impact of Hellenism on Rome during this period

· Assess the contributions of Scipio Aemilanus and Cato the Elder on Roman politics and military affairs

· Explain Rome’s victories in the wars against Macedonia

· Explain the role of the Senate and political alliances during this period

· 2004 HSC – Explain the causes and consequences of Rome’s wars of expansion during this period

· 2004 HSC – Explain the defeat of Carthage in the 2nd Punic War

· 2004 HSC – Assess the achievements and impact of Macedonian and Greek leaders during this period

· 2004 HSC – Explain the achievements and impact of Roman leaders in the course of the Punic Wars

· Outline the roman and Carthaginian strategies in the 1st Punic War. Why did it take Rome so long to win the war?

· How important was the influence of non-roman peoples on the development of Rome during this period

· Discuss the causes of the 2nd Punic war

· What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Roman constitution

· Analyse the impact of TWO of the following on the political and military development of Rome;
1) Appius Claudius Caeus 2) Fabius Maxium Cuncator (the delayor)
3) Cato the Elder 4) Scipio Aemilianus

· Why were the Romans successful in their conquest of Italy

· Who was responsible for the outbreak of the 2nd Punic war

· Discuss the main features of the Roman political system during this period

· What were the causes of the 1st Punic War

· Discuss the motives for the Roman conquest of the Mediterranean

· How did Rome expand through Italy

· How important was Rome’s adoption of naval policy during the first and second Punic wars

· Discuss Roman policies towards the Greek states in the period 200-133BC. Was Roman expansion in the east the result of planning


Resident Priss
May 2, 2003
Essay Questions For Scipio Africanus

Couple of essays questions on the Personality Section for Scipio Africanus - array of 5 and 10 mark questiosn - i haven't stated which is which though

· Outline the social position of Scipio Africanus

· Explain why there was opposition to the Scipio’s in Rome

· With references to sources – assess the achievements of Scipio Africanus

· Briefly describe Scipio’s tactics in any one major battle

· Reference to sources – explain the early career of Scipio Africanus until his arrival in Spain

· Assess the achievements of Scipio Africanus

· Briefly describe the family background of Scipio Africanus

· Evaluate the ancient / modern interpretations of Scipio Africanus

· Describe Scipios career before he went to Spain

· How successful was scipio in Spain

· How did Scipio defeat Hannibal

· Why was Scipio Africanus regarded as a great man

· To what extent did Sipco learn from Hannibal as a general

· How important was Spain in the overall struggle of Rome against Carthage?

· 2004 HSC – Briefly outline Scipio Africanus rise to prominence

· 2004 HSC – Explain the manner and impact of Scipio Africanus ‘retirement’

· 2004 HSC – Reference to sources – evaluate the influence of Scipio Africanus in his lifetime

· Why was Scipio Africanus appointed leader of the Roman army in 210BC

· What do the Spanish Campaigns of Sipco Africanus reveal about his abilities?

· Why was Scipo given the name Africanus? Why did the Romans regard him as a great man?

· To what extent was the prominence of Scipio Africanus due to his family connections?

· How important were the achievements of Sipco to Rome?

· What reputation did Scipio have with the Roman people at the end of his career? To what extent did he deserve this reputation

· To what extent was Scipio’s career typical of a noble Roman of his time?

· How successful was Scipio as a politician

· What were the results of Scipio Africanus’ victory at Zama for both himself and for Rome

· What were the results of Scipio Africanus defeat of Hannibal, for himself and for Rome


New Member
Sep 4, 2005
more rome past paper q's

The Fall of the Roman Republic 78-28BC

(a) Account for the formation and the breakdown of the Second Triumvirate. 25
(b) Assess the significance of the career of EITHER Pompey OR Cicero. 25

(a) Account for Roman success in the Gallic Wars. 25
(b) Explain the generals’ use of armies for political purposes during this period. 25

(a) Account for the rise and impact of powerful generals during this period. 25
(b) Assess the role of the Senate during this period.25

(a) Account for the formation and breakdown of the ‘First Triumvirate’.
(b) Account for the political rise and fall of Mark Antony.25

(a) Explain the outbreak of civil war in 49 BC. 25
(b) Explain the formation and breakdown of the Second Triumvirate.25

(a) Assess the significance of the career of EITHER Pompey OR Crassus. 25
(b) Account for the political violence in Rome during this period. 25

Augustus and the Julio-Claudians

a) Explain how Augustus gained and maintained his constitutional position (25)
b) Explain how the praetorian guard and army were used for political purposes during this period (25)

a) Analyse the powers and position of Augustus as princeps (25)
b) Discuss the impact of the personality of EITHER Tiberius OR Claudius on the development of the pincipate. (25)

(a) Account for the development of EITHER imperial building programs OR
imperial bureaucracy from Tiberius to Nero. 25
(b) Explain how Augustus established and maintained his power. 25

(a) Assess the importance of the Praetorian Guard in this period. 25
(b) Assess the handling of frontier problems by any TWO emperors (principes) in
this period. 25

(a) Assess the reform programs and policies of Augustus. 25
(b) Assess the contribution and impact of EITHER Claudius OR Nero as princeps. 25

(a) Assess the contributions and impact of Tiberius as princeps. 25
(b) Explain the roles of Livia and other prominent women in Roman politics during
this period.25

(a) Explain how Augustus gained and maintained his constitutional position. 25
(b) Explain how the praetorian guard and army were used for political purposes
during this period.25

(a) Assess the contributions and impact of EITHER Augustus OR Claudius as
princeps. 25
(b) Explain the role of EITHER treason trials OR freedmen in the period from
Tiberius to Nero. 25

Agrippina II

(a) What was Agrippina II’s family background? 5
(b) Outline Agrippina II’s career during the reign of Claudius. 5
(c) Why did Agrippina II come into conflict with her son, Nero? 5
(d) Describe the attempts made to assassinate Agrippina II. 3
(e) How powerful was Agrippina II? 7

(a) Briefly describe the death of Agrippina. 5
(b) With reference to sources, explain the importance of Agrippina’s marriages in
her career. 8
(c) Assess the power and influence of Agrippina in the Julio–Claudian family. 12

(a) Briefly describe the family background of Agrippina the Younger. 5
(b) Explain the significance of the relationship between Agrippina the Younger and
Nero. 10
(c) Evaluate the ancient or modern interpretations of Agrippina the Younger. 10


Jun 5, 2005
Re: more rome past paper q's

hey! i was wondering if there has ever been a question on germanicus or sejanus or other prominent romans during the reign of the julio clauds? i wud look it up myself but my computer cant download past papers for some reason...
if there hasnt been any questions on them, what do u think the chances are of one appearing this year?


New Member
Oct 18, 2006
Does anyone have questions for Augustus under the new HSC - i.e. not Augustus to Titus, but just Augustus (as introduced last year)? If so, it would be greatly appreciated

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