Rules for Customers (2 Viewers)


Oct 25, 2007
coffee. like the only aussie coffee franchise
theres actually quite a few around, you just dont notice them cause you dont know them
kicks gloria jeans ass tho.
I'll have to try Hudson's when I'm next in Launceston, I didn't know they were Australian.

^CoSMic DoRiS^^

makes the woosh noises
Jan 13, 2005
middle of nowhere
Learn yourselves some basic phone ettiqutte. When I pick up the reciever and greet you it is customary to greet me back. Nothing fancy, "hi" will do just fine. "Hi, I'm wondering if..." ... and so on. OK?

DO NOT respond by just stating in a grumpy voice what you want and then responding impatiently to my answer and hanging up without so much as a godbye, like "mhmm, mhmm, mhmm, yeah, yeah, ok *dial tone*" WTF I'm not a fucking vending machine for information, basic politeness is not hard.


Is in A State Of Trance
Feb 2, 2005

-Please don't ask for two slices of prosciutto when it's quite obvious that the slicer is being used and there's a thousand other customers.
Why don't you slice 2 slices? It's so easy... takes a short time and customers might only want it for a sandwich.

-Please don't come in to the store at 8:55pm and expect the slicer to be fully constructed and operational. Most likely it's been pulled to bits to be cleaned, or else is already cleaned, and therefore I'm not using it.
Pretty stuck up here. I use the slicer even after it's cleaned. I clean the slicer (if i'm working nigts) at around 6pm. Just wipe it down after you've finished. Sure, it's a hassle.. but who cares? The more sales the better is it not?

-When the above happens, the Duty Manager will always side with me. Trust me, they don't want to hear your bitching, especially as they themselves are trying to close the store at that exact time as well.
And what time do you close may I ask? If it's 9pm, sure.. but why leave the slicers at 9pm to clean?

-Please don't put your fingers on the glass, or fail to have your kids remove their hands from the glass. It's spotless because I woke up at 4am so I had time to both set-up and clean them. We don't have little fairies which come through every time people put their dirty mits on them to clean them.
Get over it. Customers will always put their fingers on the glass. It's no biggy. Just CLEAN it again.

-Don't tell me I'm a rude prick when I pointedly ask one of my fellow employees to clean the outside part of the front window in front of the bacon. My intention was to make you feel bad and educate you so you don't point out exactly which cut of bacon you want by putting your finger on the glass, and I don't need you telling me what my intention was.
Are you like the 2IC or something? What's with ordering people around? lol. And sif just clean the bacon section, =/. Tell your fellow employees to clean every window when it's quiet.

-"Ham off the Bone" is always going to have fat on it. It's $18.98kg, so no, I am not pulling the fat off it before I price it up. Stop being an idiot and buy the more processed ham if you don't want the fat on it.
AFAIK, All of the processed ham would have f at in it. I don't think they strip the fat off it.

-No, I am not reducing chickens at 3:30pm on a Saturday. Nor at 4:00pm. And the more you ask me, the longer I'm going to delay. If you stand around at the chicken warmer waiting for me to reduce them, I'll probably just let them go and reduce them for the staff members, or else get the produce department manager to move you along because you're RIGHT IN THEIR WAY, for fucks sake.
You're actually required to reduce the chickens you know? 4 Hour rule. And who cares if they want the reduced chickens? The more chickens you get rid of, the less chickens the staff will have to dump at night.

-If you buy 10kg of prawns, don't be offended if we walk you to the checkouts to pay for it. I'm not letting someone walk around with $250 worth of prawns which, if dumped anywhere except a freezer, will result in us throwing them out.
Never had anyone take 10kg's of prawns, but that's acceptable i guess.. except for the fact that if it's a peak time, why would you be escorting the customer when there's other customers to serve.

-If I'm not serving anyone at the moment, don't ask me to serve you, or tell me to start serving. Only my department manager can tell me to do that, not you, and most likely there's a good reason I'm not serving you; namely, making sure we have the stock so that we can sell it to you when you ask for it.
Dude, just fucking serve the customers. Don't be a lazy prick and just ignore the customers. I have managed to fill sliced & shaves whilst serving after finished a tray on a Saturday when it's peak. What you said here, is evidence of you being a "rude prick"

TBH, it looks like you'rej ust complaining for the sake of complaining, most of the things there are pretty nitpicky. And yes, i do work at the deli. I do 10 hour shifts. I know what it's like and I don't even complain as much as you.


lol way to go and analyse his whole post ahha ahh, brings back memories of english.

Sup man?


Oct 22, 2008
pLuvia said:
lol way to go and analyse his whole post ahha ahh, brings back memories of english.

Sup man?
hey, weren't u a mod? what happened?


Jul 21, 2004
pissed off customers are fun to deal with. althought they tend to go off at the older employees and not the youngies. why is TaT


Red is for Rad
Oct 6, 2006
If you're purchasing an item from the store, don't bitch about seeing it cheaper elsewhere. You should've just bought it from there, dipshit.


New Member
Nov 15, 2008
bregitta said:
If you're purchasing an item from the store, don't bitch about seeing it cheaper elsewhere. You should've just bought it from there, dipshit.
Haha, you'd pull your hair out at a petrol station. "Why is the Safeway petrol one down the road cheaper than the one here?" and then look at me like I'm meant to be like "Oh yeah, sorry, I'll just adjust it for you!" Ugh.


Oct 12, 2004
Please don't just rock up into my store with a Woolies recharge voucher and ask me why it doesn't work and demand me to fix it for you.
Just because I work at a store that sells a mobile recharge service [but isnt our main priority] doesn't mean I have all the time in the world to fix your prepaid service..

Also you tell me that you can't dial out.
It's a problem with Vodaphone, not the recharge voucher.
Contact your service provider. Not your closest checkout chick.


Active Member
Feb 13, 2007
i am glad that my job will not require me to work with customers, unless i get a 2nd job...


Active Member
Jul 27, 2006
For customers who consume their drinks before purchase:
a) This is fine, as long as you pay for it and not leave it somewhere.
b) If you consume the entire amount of the drink, do NOT expect me to throw it out. If I place the empty bottle in one of your bags its because I'm not a rubbish bin. Throw it out yourself, do not hand it back to me.

For customers with green bags:
- If you use your bags as baskets while doing your shopping empty them yourself and quickly. It's annoying having all your groceries piled up onto the little space we have at express while waiting to get to the bottom of the bag, only to have to spend more time repacking.
- Wash them occasionally, some really smell.


New Member
Feb 17, 2008
JJBearPaw said:
I'm most likely doubling up. But I want to whinge!


Drive Thru -

- If you dont go to the ordering bay first, I cant serve you. You HAVE to turn around and order first. Dont fight me on this, you're not going to win.
- Dont roll your eyes when I hand you the eftpos swipe thing. I have other shit to do. Is it really that hard?
- Dont ask me to go look in the storage for a specific toy. We dont have that toy. We have this toy. That's it.
- Dont talk shit about me when you're at the ordering bay. I actually can hear you through my headset, whether I'm talking to you or not.
- Dont order a $60 meal and then get pissy when I tell you to park for a couple of minutes.
- Don't cut in line and then plead with me that you just want a cheeseburger....and a coke....and a medium fries.
- Dont bitch at me when the frozen coke suddenly goes on defrost. I cant help that!
- Dont ask for a refund when we run out of chocolate powder to put on the froth of the cappucino's.

Front Counter -

- If you dont ask for a meal, it's your fault not mine. And then when I give you a free drink anyway because I'm nice, dont roll your eyes and act pissy because you had to wait for me to make that drink.
- Dont talk to me like you're better than me. I might be working here, but you're eating it.
- Dont order 6 different meals and then freak out when one burger is missing.
- Dont get angry when you're morbidly obese and you expect me to realise you wanted an upsize on every item of food.
- Dont beg me to find you a specific happy meal toy. Dude, we dont fucking have it in stock.
- DO NOT click at me to get my attention
- DO NOT whistle at me to get my attention
- DO NOT yell at me to get my attention
- Do not expect me to give you free sauce. Fuck off. It's 50c pay up.
- Dont ask for a McOz, bacon cheeseburger, Mc Africa, Mc Asia, pudding, brownie or any other shit that we do not sell anymore.
- Please dont ask me what's the healthiest option. None of it is fucking healthy.
- Dont order a white coffee and then freak out when it's filtered coffee with milk in it. If you want a flat white, order a flat white.
- No we're not a McCafe, does it look like we are??

Completely agree with everything you said, especially the Drive-Thru stuff. Fuck, that's the worst. Generally if someone hands me the headset I just make up some bullshit excuse that I haven't been trained as order-taker yet (even though I've been working there 6 months..). Just to add on;

- Stick your head out of the window and talk INTO the goddamn box when you order. Don't get pissy at me then when I politely ask you to repeat your order because all I heard was mumbling. I don't have super-human hearing, kthx.
- For the love of God, don't give me a HUGE order, pay for it and then five minutes later change your mind and ask to change this burger or that burger with whatever meal you got, only to get pissed off and abuse me when I take a little longer to get your order together. If you had made up your mind in the first place, we wouldn't have this problem.
- No, I will not add in extra toppings for free, or an extra cheeseburger, 50 billion sauces, whathaveyou. They all cost extra and my manager is an anal-retentive control freak who will shoot me if I do so.
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Dec 10, 2007
For customers shopping at supermarkets: if u have a problem with something, or we have overcharged u, shortchanged u, need another bag or just wanna be an asshole of a customer, please wait til i have finished serving my current customer. I cant stand it when some ass ive served interrupts me when im in the middle of scanning and packing shit so i can get them an extra bag. I had this woman come up to me when im serving a customer and starts shouting at me because she orded a prepaid optus rechare thingo and she didt get the reciept from her transaction 30mins ago and accused me of stealing it. I went on to tell her that i have only just started my shift and i wasnt here 20 mins ago and she went on and wouldnt stop bitching. So the service mangager had to come down and calm her down, and check the vids to see if she had the reciept or not - and it turned out that she took the reciept. Anywho, she decicded that we tampered with the video's and wanted to stick around for 30 or so mins to keep hassaling me to the point where i told her to fuck off.

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