Rules for Customers which go through checkouts (mainly mine lol):
*Note; rant.
1. Unpack your OWN basket. YOU filled it so YOU unpack it. When I greet you, don't just stand there expecting me to do it for you. I am only going to go slower you retard.
2. I DON'T make the prices. Do not complain to me when something scans wrong.
3. The specials don't come up until all of the products are scanned, eg 5 tins for $6. DO NOT say "oh, thats on special" or "its 5 for 6!".. it will come up AFTER YOU IDIOT.
4. When I scan things wrong, and then take it off and redo it again, don't ask me why I've done it twice when there is a -$ underneath it. LEARN TO READ.
5. When there is no pre-swipe, don't keep trying to tell me 'its not working'. Once again, learn to read.
6. Put ALL your green bags at the front of your shopping. Don't put them randomly through the shopping.
7. Please don't stack all your shit on top of each other where i can't see anything/get anything to pack your bags properly. Also, when your things fall off the register due to your lack of brains because of the above reason, do not look at me like I am an idiot for it falling off; NOT my fault.
8. Don't get pissy coz we don't give out bags for under 3 items. You have hands; use them!
9. Sure they are the same price, but we have to do them separately. Don't tell me "oh they're the same price though!". I WORK THERE. I know what to do!
10. I know how to pack your bags so detergents and things don't go with other things. Argh.
11. Light on. Check. 'Checkout closed' sign not on belt. Check. Trolley Gone. Check. YES I'M OPEN!
12. If something doesn't scan properly AFTER the transaction has gone through, I can't correct it; I'm not a supervisor.
13. Don't get annoyed if someone doesn't come quickly. Sorry to disappoint you but I cannot do magic and I can't make them appear in a fraction of a second.
14. When the doors are closed/closing, yes we are almost shut. When my supervisor says "we are now closed", don't come in.
15. You are not as funny as you think you are lol.
Hmmm thats all I can think of.
Story from today;
Me: Any cash out?
Customer: Yes, $200.
Me: Sorry I only have a $50 note in my till.
Customer: But I want $200.
Me: I only have a $50 note because I just started.
Customer: I want $200.
Me: I don't have that much in my till.
Customer: How much do you have then?
Me (thinking omg!): $50.
Customer: Well I don't want that. Who wants $50 anyway?? I won't have any cash out then.
Me (thinking, ummm lots of people just get out $50 duhh): *does eftpos*
Customers are silly.
(sorry for long post
