errr. I don't know what type of video store this person works for. but there's no possible way you can clean every dvd that comes in and out of the store! you can clean smudges, dust etc reasonably easily but it would still take up waaaaay too much time to do it with every dvd. as for scratches, they have to be pretty bad to seriously effect how a disc plays and there is NO WAY you polish off every single scratch that discs may accrue considering that the disc doctor takes like 10-20 mins/disc and needs to be watched as it's going. so basically unless you get 3 customers a night, you are full of shit.
for the record, in my experience, a good 85% of the problem dvds people bring back are because the discs are dirty, not scratched.
as to the photo i.d. - okay again i'm confused, why the fuck are you checking photo i.d. for dob? seriously either they're over 18 and can hire R movies or they can't, it's pretty simple to tell, and if they're over 18 chances are it's their account anyway.
the reason we check photo i.d. is either they've forgotten the password (i'm pretty lazy about passwords tbh) or they're joining up. the main reason we need to see photo i.d. is to help confirm addresses which IS important because we need that shit in case people don't return stuff and run up huge debts which happens heaps. but yeah maybe other stores are just stricter than mine but i don't understand why you would be consistently checking photo i.d. for dob anyway...? and if they're <15/18 to begin with they're likely to not even have any? :s
speaking of the video store, fuck people are stupid about late fees.
first of all, no you didn't pay it at the time, because if you did it wouldn't be in the system anymore. end of story. it's not that i'm refusing to admit that we made a mistake, it's that
it literally cannot happen with video minder. seriously.
secondly - i know you paid off a bunch of late fees yesterday because i was the one who served you and gave you a deal (even though i didn't have to). but why exactly would that have encompassed movies you hadn't returned yet? ie why the fuck would you think that you wouldn't have late fees on the 6day overdue new release you returned today? late fees do not appear in your account until after you've returned the movie, i honestly don't see what is so hard to grasp about that.
thirdly - and to the man who claimed he 'didn't know' he would get fined for keeping a movie over 30 days over its due date - despite the multiple phone calls saying pretty much exactly that - you're retarded and i hate you.
but on the whole i love my store