In my opinion, the Chechens live in constant fear of invasion. They feel like prisioners in their own country. Put yourself in their shoes. Constantly oppressed by greater Russia despite the independence they proclaim, and Russia denies. I dont know that Russia has much need for Chechnya, does it carry strategic or economic importance? I dont know this, either way they could have provided for a more complete compromise.
In their shoes, i dont know that i'd be that friendly towards the Russians. I would never be one of the terrorists, but i doubt i would find myself unable to understand their stance.
There are greater issues here, and before you condemn the 'terrorists' (one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter) you probably should ask WHY this happened. Seperate this from the deaths that have resulted, look deeper. Too much time is devoted to fighting the spread of terrorism (horrible label for the Chechens, IMHO), and too little time is devoted to reforms that would see 'happy' conclusions to these terrible times.