Unless otherwise stated the scholarship is paid to the bank account. If it's a one off scholarship like for example the AAA Scholarship then you get paid the money in one go to your bank account.
If it's the other kind of scholarships that are like paid across the year then you get them as like a fortnightly payment, so it's not like all the money in one go.
For your second question, the short answer is no. This is because there are no scholarships for current students already enrolled other than for something like a summer vacation research scholarship or exchange program or things similar like that to that which it is more like a paid internship for students at the uni. However not all faculties have such offerings and these are very competitive and based on the marks mostly.
This is because the whole point of the scholarship is to try attract high performing students to the university and so the quality of their alumni will be high. If the student is already enrolled in the uni then there is no benefit gained for the uni to hand out free money.
In saying that there are awards for coming first in some subjects / overall for the year in some faculties, some of which have cash prizes of around 500 dollars. But this is not really a scholarship and extremely difficult to get because you need to outperform all other students in your cohort and doesn't have the same financial benefit as scholarships