I wasn't School Captain, but I was Drama Captain with an entire musical production to put on stage during the HSC.
But I would like to comment on some of what Morning Storm had to say.
morning storm said:
its a lot more than looking good on your resume
But we can all agree it certainly does, and will show future employers that you were able to do the following:
1. Manage your time (And this is the MOST important thing you need to learn for life. This will define your life FAR more than any stupid set of exams.)
2. Be trustworthy in an honoured position
3. Represent your school
4. Manage a team of people below you (prefects) to achieve certain ends
5. Work effectively under a head and are able to take direction while also giving directions
6. Manage your time (did I put that in already?

7. Be a positive role model (as morning storm said)
8. Communicate effectively (thanks Morning storm)
9. Organisation skills
And you are really School Captain for life. My old school captain always falls back into that role whenever we have a reunion.
In my life now, it is time management that enables me to get the most out of everything. I have a fellow Scout Leader who was Head Prefect (not quite Captain but he might as well have been). He is fantastic to work with because he doesn't need to be held by the hand when it comes to organising the Scouts. In some respects he leads me!!
But the shiny badge is certainly a plus. Gotta love shiny badges.
But, it takes a special person to be School Captain. One who has all the above and some brains to be able to do their school work in a small amount of time. Think it over very seriously. Are you that sort of person?
Good luck!