So we've pretty much finished all topics + option topics for all my subjects except for physics (we only have 3 more dot points to go). I feel like school is the BIGGEST waste of time. We pretty much do nothing in class now that we are finished for almost all my subjects, the teachers don't teach anymore. We just sit all day doing revision booklets and almost all students bludge, talk during the entire class and teachers don't say anything. I would be MUCH more productive if I don't have to attend till the end of HSC and I would stay home if I could :l If it wasn't for the attendance thing, where your attendance has to be 90% or something or you don't get your HSC. At home I can do all my past papers, go over concepts I never understood, watch videos on youtube relating to HSC, read over a number of textbooks (letslearnscience). I have a LOT to do as well and school is seriously just pushing me back
. I can't do these at school otherwise I would have to carry around like 5 textbooks (I study by getting info from a LOT of different sources), youtube is blocked and there's just too many distractions 
Anyone else can relate to this?
Anyone else can relate to this?