rank is more important then mark isnt it?
but in the instance that you get a poor rank, high mark, high hsc mark but the class gets a poor hsc result what would happen to your hsc mark then?
cause i know your school ass. mark gets pushed up to the next highest ranking position above you but what if this weird arse situation were to occur?
can you appeal against the school ass. mark?
and i find it interesting that in school ass. marks im consistenly low end of scale whereas in the exams that are marked by an independent org. outside of school my exam marks are pretty much near top of grade. can i file for discrimnation or something if this occurs in hsc as well considering its been occuring for what year 10 certificate, year 7 ella, snap year 8 ella, snap and yeah got some other examples.
Lazarus help please?
you're the law student