a) -wilson achieved "imense success" and "media attention". but he also gained greater understanding and insight by learning about the stories of other people "quote"
b) -[screwd this] central alignment complements the written text in emphasising the immensity of his success yet the simplicity of what he's doing to get it.
visual editing of the bus to create an effect of speed --> something on the lines of it supports the idea that he travels from busy city to busy city.
c) contrast
-metapor "my writing desk is a tavern table" - stating that she envisages her world through the 18th century
- imagery "unfurled oak leaves" vs "slash of electric wires"
- time "199" "1666"
- negative/positive connotations of visual imagery associated with city/village
there are more techniques but they dont really fit the question well. (same)
d) positive connotations of the metaphor highlight the positive attitude he has towards physically journeying and that he would like to embark on a physical journey (or something on those lines)
answers for e) f) too long to write up/remember
i dnno why ppl keep saying it was hard?

now i'm scared i didsomething majorly wrong!