Courts, legal aid, specialist tribunals, and specialist peeps like the ombudsman.
The courts aren't accessible.
Generally, the multi-choice was quite easy.
What did everyone put for..
Q 12: Which of the following statements most accurately described the operation of the ruleof law?
(A) All law makers are elected
(B) Al law is made by parliament
(C) Innocent people are free from imprisonment
(D) Police discretion is subject to judicial review
I thought that it was either (B) or (C). At first I thought it was (B) because Australia follows the rule of law and we imprison innocent people (detention centres + when on remand), and because a characteritic of the rule of law is the separation of powers.
However, then I changed to to (C) simply because the courts can make laws also..
EDIT: I now realise that it was probably (D)! .. Shit
Qs 14 and 15 were also a little tricky.
14. I put Legal
15. I put indigenous customary law, but honestly had absolutely no idea! I thought that it would probably have to be indigenous or tort.