Drink a glass of water upside down >;(CurlyRuby said:I wish.
Does anyone have a good cure for the hiccups? I have them baddd
Clearly you've never had the CurlyRuby experienceJFK said:curly ruby's good but she can't defy the laws of physics itself!
help me, god.One hypothesis to highlight concerns the interaction between political ideology and political awareness. Political ideology, measured here by self-placement on an eleven-point left-right scale, is consistently related to immigration attitudes in European politics, with opposition concentrated on the political right. However, the impact of the respondent's ideological position should be conditioned by political awareness. Because the politically aware are more attuned to elite debate, they are better able to link their attitudes on specific issues to underlying values like ideology.[43] Thus, the polarisation of the left and right on questions of immigration should occur most strongly among those who are high in awareness. To test this proposition we include the interaction of ideology and the extent of political discussion, which serves as a proxy for political awareness.
I agree with these sentiments. I couldn't even read the whole quote without dozing off.KarmaKitten said:That sounds like a thrilling and captivating article.
Slidey said:While BSG 402 was fairly drool-worthy (and from boredom, not awesome), her small appearance made it worth it.
The other thing was Baltar lecturing himself on who to fuck.
He doesn't love you anymore ;(?Iheartpaulfrank said:Riveting stuff there Triangulum.
Ashton wrote a personalised poem for me once...
But u'll still attend, right?Rafy said:"Apologies, there was a miscommunication re: tutorials this week.
Tutorials are going ahead as usual. Please ignore any announcement to the contrary."
*pretends i didn't see above email.
No, i didn't.latvia said:But u'll still attend, right?
I usually go to the ones noone else does, cause the tutors give away the good info :-DRafy said:No, i didn't.