Haha neat you always find the most interesting stats. I liked the earlier you had about how many males and females were enrolled in each faculty. Well, I had two exams yesterday--PhysForm and pharm prac, so if anything I know how to study during stuvac for two exams at once. PhysForm was easier than last year's paper, but you had to know everything, which I definitely didn't--I sacrificed all my time for pharm prac. Hopefully I passed, and I say this with every crossable part of me crossed.
But someone made a valid point--if everyone fails (raw mark), they have to scale you up, so this is the only time where scaling can change the difference btw a pass and fail (apart from the fact that if your raw mark is a pass, they can never scale you down to a fail). And also, she pointed out that everyone was under stress--if they did well in physform they probably wouldn't do so well in pharm prac and vice versa.
pharm prac was, thank God, a very fair paper (and I don't know if it was fair because it was or because I had studied hard enough for it), so my efforts were at least rewarded in that department. I don't feel I did really well or anything like that, but I had that feeling when I walked out--that I'm
certain that I passed that paper.
On the physical side of things, I didn't fare too well. Sunday night I literally
did not sleep at all. I gave up studying at 2am and tossed and turned the whole night--like, I actually couldn't get any sleep. Usually my sleep is disturbed right before exams but I have periods of actual somnolence, however brief. This time, I didn't. My heart was racing so badly I thought maybe I had a fever (with the tossing and turning). I was lucky though, to be in a napping kind of state for the last hour of "sleep" but I was like a zombie from when I rose until the end of
reading time even with Azzuri's excellent cappucino. Major scare there. I was hypertensive the whole day--couldn't eat a single thing, all blocked up....too much adrenaline, and even when I got home after all that, I didn't unblock until about 8pm. So that was like what, my first ever all-nighter, racing heart from 3am to 8pm, yeah. lol yeah you can tell how epic my day was from the length of this post. A beta blocker would definitely have been helpful here
On a good note, they released the results of the second dispensing exam and I got excellents for both products I made

So my final practical dispensing mark is 28/30. Now just for the written exam on Tuesday, and it's open book, so as long as I know which pages to flick through, I'm good

Also, the faculty gave me a major scare yesterday by telling me I hadn't handed in my pharm prac externship forms, then this morning they replied they had found my forms. I think it's fated too (yeah I'm superstitious like that) that I met a friend who did pharm and is now doing med straight after our exams yesterday and we had a good chat. Out of all days I had to come to uni on exam period, and he wasn't supposed to come in today but did as he had to submit marking (he's a tutor with the pharm faculty, how convenient). Hopefully that bodes well for my results.
Yeah, epic day it was yesterday. Now to buckle down for my beautiful 8am start on Friday and remaining theoretical exams. And trust me, I got really good sleep last night so feeling all ready to go!