Root Vegetable
New Member
Hi guys. This year I'm going to do a combined engineering/science degree at USYD, and my ATAR is high enough to do any engineering stream I like. I am particularly interested in the 'space' streams - specifically mechatronic and mechanical - but I'm not sure which one to choose. On one hand, mechanical engineering seems to interest me the most (having no experience or particular interest in computing or robotics), but on the other hand, mechatronic has the highest ATAR to get in. I spoke to one of the lecturers at the open day about this, and he suggested that I take the mechatronic stream seeing as I can more easily go 'down' to mechanical if I don't like it, but I'm still not sure. And another thing - I'm not exactly sure what you learn in the mechanical space stream. I asked the same guy, and I got a vague answer which I can't really remember 
So, any thoughts? Is anyone else doing space engineering?
So, any thoughts? Is anyone else doing space engineering?