Its a tough call to say people are allowed to do what they want. To an extent they are, I dont really give a shit about people OD on heroin because a dead body is easy to clean up, a vegetable needing care for the rest of his life off my tax money is a problem.
Should people be allowed to do what they want because its their body? I am not so sure. The thing is drugs dont just affect the users. This debate might be going out of the scope of the thread, because most of these arguments can be used for all illicit drugs in general.
If someone dies from Heroin, sure i dont give a shit but their families might, theres also the loss to the ecconomy, which they could have been productively working in. Not to mention what taking hard drugs leads to, a life in the gutter with crime for your next hit.
There is no way hard drugs should ever be legalised and infact i draw my line a little closer in some regards than the law does. Personally, if someone is all drugged up its not really going to bother me, sure smoke a joint 2 feet away from me, its not my problem. Making it legal is a different matter though
Theres the issue of schizophrenia[sp?] aswell, people with a predisposition can get fucked up from simply getting high.
ice wind(spellchecked) said:
yes, i think it should be legalised...for medicinal purposes. if u wanna stop people abusing this stuff...overdosing on it, and smoking impure stuff mixed with god knows what, and stop prisons from overflowing...yes u should legalise it...with the correct dosage labelling & stuff...'s already a multi-million dollar industry...why not just let it come to the surface for the right purposes...
Medicinal purposes is different, thats allready legal. I dont think impurities and contamination is such a bad thing, it can scare people off it maybe. The issue of prisons overflowing is different. What you are talking about is decriminalising it. i agree with this, as does optophobia[who is going into the police force] and a few others.
Possibly another strategy would be alternative punishments like fines, community service or getting shipped up to cairns to work on some plantations for a few months[seen as they are hiring overseas, we would be better off using our own slave labour]
Anectdotally ive seen some people fucked up from drugs. Why is it that most stoners are stupid? where they like that in the first place [ i .e dumb enough to think smoking wont hurt you] or did the weed do it to them?