When i referred to offending others i was meaning someone who used a swearword to describe me - i took it personally at the time but it is all good now

I do not think kissing before marriage is wrong - I think
i will!
My first kiss is special to me - it has sentimental value attached to it. It also is something regarded as very precious by William - he cant believe i have waited , it means alot to him.
We havent kissed yet , but i honestly cant wait!
I am , funnily enough a very tactile person. Always have been

Will and I are very affectionate with one another , But i think every couple can choose ow to behave at given times and in certain ways , and we have.
For you to say that you think I have "underlying psychological issues" is a big call for you to make. You have no idea who I really am - and I think it is clear you do not understand my life choices.
To say i have psychological issues because i do not behave as you is, well - wrong.
I was reading the other day how gay people were locked up in insane asylums for their different choices.
You may not comprehend my heart , where i am coming from , but please do not judge me, you have not even met me.
That said , being judged by others as whatever is not going to stop me from doing what I want to do.