im sure manyoo paid all that money 4 a bit of talent and a whole lot of potential aggression, that kid (yes, he's old than me, but i dont look like shreks brother) has got the worst temperment, but its good 4 me, i dont realllllly support manyoo (not that i hate them)
so yeh, n chelsea, i duno y u even try 2 argue about spending money, u guys bought betta players? alrite, but u also bought half the soccer plays available

ok...maybe not THAT many...
dusnt matta, its helped the game sumwhat...its now a sort of threesome at the top, n next season Liverpool will make it an orgy

(yes, i've been readin 2 much 'person above u 2' thread) n then we can have a 4-way battle! betta than knowing arseholes n manyoo r the only 2 able 2 win