What do U exactly mean along the various lengths, I assume from powerplant to Ur home in the ****. I'm pretty sure Ur tutoring book has one but not the best.
This may or may not help
Why am I replying to myself anyways essentially the most frequent uses of transformers in the electricity grid is when electricity is produced and needs to be transmitted. Here is use a step up transformer to increase its voltage and hence transfer" the electricity over long distances. A step up transformer is required here because transporting electricity over long distances at a low voltage I believe results in staggering amounts of power loss. Now Ur not
@Modern4DaBois and hence would def mind if U lose power like this.
Also when U revieve this electricity U don't want thousands of volts to be flowing into Ur house Def's something
@Modern4DaBois would do as it poses a fire hazard

Step down transformer is required here and this step done process is done low-key in phases. As in there's a step down transformer at Ur local substation and then once again on Ur street.