Here's the edited and refined plan of action, thanks to the advice you guys

This should be more efficient.
Plan of Action
1. Finish off and memorise tutor’s essay
2. Write an another epicly long and broad generic essay or use tutor’s essay
3. Adapt to all known questions and get writing speed from 1080 to 1800 words per 45 minutes.
4. Quickly write notes/Mind map for the module using oxford, excel, top notes and the other printed notes.
5. Get a list of quotes for Frankenstein and Blade Runner and memorise them.
6. Memorise all the new vocabulary in the new words books and construct sentences that are pertinent to my life; that is draw from my current experiences
Business Studies
1. Quickly write syllabus dot point notes using Cambridge and case studies for each dot point for( REALLY QUICKLY, LIKE A SENTENCE FOR EACH DOT POINT)
a. Business Management and Change (SHOULD TAKE NO MORE THAN 45 MINUTES)
b. Financial Planning and Management(SHOULD TAKE NO MORE THAN 45 MINUTES)
2. Hand in this summary
3. Memorise the Syllabus dot points for/or MIND MAP IT
a. Business Management and Change
b. Financial Planning and Management
c. Marketing
4. Memorise and recite ALL the terms in the margins in Cambridge textbook
5. Complete the definition sheets for topics 1, 2 and 3(REALLY QUICKLY, LIKE 4 MINUTES EACH)
6. Go through all the past paper books and answer ALL the questions relating to the first 3 topics
a. Success One
Mathematics Extension 1
1. Finish 3u step by step book ASAP
2. Quickly look through the circled questions in the Cambridge books
3. Finish the 18 past papers from School ( task 1 and task 2)
4. Finish all the 3u HSC past papers and trial papers (coroneas, success one), as it much more effective to do so.
Mathematics Extension 2
1. Revise in SK patel
a. Complex Numbers
b. Polynomials
2. Compile a Formula/theory book at the same time/Make posters for theories and formulas
3. Complete all the relevant sections in
a. Terry Lee’s blue book
b. Excel 50 tips
c. Cambridge
d. 4u topic by topic
4. Complete all of School's past papers (there are 8 in total)
5. Do every question in the coroneas and success one past papers book from the 2 topics
1. Quickly memorise the students guide to physics for Topics 1 and 2 and do whatever to memorise all the formulas
2. Memorise all the pracs through typing them up or whatever
a. Space
b. Motors and Generators
3. Finish Creelman
4. Answer all the questions in Dot Point verbally and repeat the explanations/answers at least 5 times for the ones that are new, or unfamiliar.
5. Complete all the questions for the first two topics in
6. Excel physics
7. Physics in Focus
8. Jacaranda Physics
9. Creelman
10. Other past paper books