realistically you cannot possibly blame the police
take one of you dumb cunts ideas. now we're in a fucked up society, where public safety comes before law and order.
how many dumb cunts would go, hey, instead of working for money at my shit job, ill just go steal it, police wont chase me if i reach 200km/h.
and if you were making an emphasis on petty theft. any corner shop or whatever can now be robbed with no repercussions, coz i doubt any of them have more than 500 of cash at the counter. also, which crimes would be deemed dangerous and pursue-able?
Say a fund manager was caught in for embezzlement and tax evasion of $10,000,000. Surely that is a form of thieving, and is not dangerous. Or, a bank robbery.
that being said, in this fucked up society, we shall have
-increased crime rates
-increased insurance premiums
-public annoyance
-more incentive to be a criminal
-less incentive to work
im sure most intellectuals would rather endanger the lives of the public, rather see society go down into a society dominated by criminals