tamaranadine said:
I'm doing chem next year.
Am I going to die?
Riviet said:
You'll be fine, as long as you don't do anything stupid in the lab.
Like forget to turn ON the fume cupboard on or rub your eyes with (I can't remember what it was but the guys eyes were red as

). Physics: some guy zapped his head on the electric ball thing (u know the one I'm talking about) oh it was funny. That and the bang, fiery, fizzing, nauseating, funky-smelling, explosion exps and the radiation you get from playing around with the Geiger counters should answer you query (and that's double doses for you soon-2-be-Hulks doing chem and phys!)
Seriously if you do Hamlet and R&G (in advanced english) you will definitley have to question the meaning of existence, which can be emo-ish at times but it's enlightening and quite funny too! English also starts to become techniques, context, techniques, context, techniques, context so get
historfied every1

ME: after SC no more geog or real history, shame I like them.