The kind of lawyer stereotypes you see on tv are the "dirty" face of law. Lawyers don't need to be amoral to get ahead, though it is unavoidable that some are (just as doctors and managers can be). A person of ethics and morality still has a good chance of doing well in the legal profession (like my own lawyer) as long as they deal well with their clients. Business gives everyone choices, and it's how you choose that determines your suitability for any given profession.
Yeah there are so many different sections of law. If you become an environmental lawyer or something and play for the moral/ethical team then there's no problem. Even international law is good.
how do u noe ur a honest caring person to start off with? u might change and besides being a lawyer does not necessarily mean all the bad eViL myths u hear on those hollywood things u call movies, they're just doing their job
The difference lies in the gulf between people who can make the distinction between "right and wrong", and those who can't. "I'm just doing my job" is a pathetic excuse used by people who don't want to face morality.