Summer Session Courses span anywhere from 1 month to 3 months (December to February period). Winter Session Courses span for 1 month only.
specialjenny said:
How do the lectures and tutorials work?? I mean in tutes do you sit in a class with 15 people for 6 hours having discussions and things?
Thanks for your reply Sunny.
This would depend upon the course you wish to undertake in Summer. For example, for COMP1921:
You can see in Summer session period offer that it's a mix of Lectures & Tutorial-Laboratories. Again it's different for medicine, Law, Mathematics, etc courses. Discussions are usually done in Tutorials, whereas Labs are where Practical study is undertaken. The number of people in each tutorial/lab is stated in UNSW Timetables in the Enrol/Cap.
To cater for your Degree needs, check the courses on UNSW's Online Handbook, and look at the "Class Timetable" hyperlink located in the light-blue box.
Though no doubts, it's definitely alot of Cramming! But a stitch in time saves nine, you'll be saving yourself from doing the full 24 UOC for a semester(s) in the future.