Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut
I'm imagning this survey was to be completed for ur HSC year?
1.Gender: Male
Age: 26
2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)? No
3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC? I didnt really have any. Just get above 90.
4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job? Yes, casual. ( 3 days/week. 3 hours after school, weekends free
5.If part-time or casual- why? Saving money for schoolies!!
If not- why?
6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
¨Food <---- I worked in a Deli
¨Community, sport and leisure
7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨0-3 hours <---- usually this
¨3-8 hours <---- if there was a major exam
¨8-12 hours
¨12-15 hours
¨15-18 hours
8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why? No. I really regret not taking my HSC seriously. I knew I could do well without trying, hence didn't try... In reality i should have been doing 12-15 hours/week to master the content.
9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up? Usually 1-2.
10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨Work is taking up too much of your study time
¨You couldn’t be bothered studying
¨Too tired
¨Your study arrangements are fine
¨Other: I found examinations pretty easy most of the time. My downfall was reports/speeches etc..
11.Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨You don’t get enough sleep
¨You get enough sleep
¨Are often stressed
¨Rarely get stressed
¨Do many leisure/sport activities
¨Do few or no leisure/sport activities
¨You save your money
¨You spend your money
¨Hang out with friends heaps
¨Don’t hang out with friends much
I'm imagning this survey was to be completed for ur HSC year?
Age: 26
2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)? No
3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC? I didnt really have any. Just get above 90.
4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job? Yes, casual. ( 3 days/week. 3 hours after school, weekends free
5.If part-time or casual- why? Saving money for schoolies!!
If not- why?
6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
¨Food <---- I worked in a Deli
¨Community, sport and leisure
7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨0-3 hours <---- usually this
¨3-8 hours <---- if there was a major exam
¨8-12 hours
¨12-15 hours
¨15-18 hours
8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why? No. I really regret not taking my HSC seriously. I knew I could do well without trying, hence didn't try... In reality i should have been doing 12-15 hours/week to master the content.
9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up? Usually 1-2.
10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨Work is taking up too much of your study time
¨You couldn’t be bothered studying
¨Too tired
¨Your study arrangements are fine
¨Other: I found examinations pretty easy most of the time. My downfall was reports/speeches etc..
11.Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨You don’t get enough sleep
¨You get enough sleep
¨Are often stressed
¨Rarely get stressed
¨Do many leisure/sport activities
¨Do few or no leisure/sport activities
¨You save your money
¨You spend your money
¨Hang out with friends heaps
¨Don’t hang out with friends much